FAO Technical services to produce a report on the baseline assessment and current state of the Biological Diversity within the areas of natural forests consented by the landowning communities as an extension to the Tomaniivi Forest Reserve and Wabu Forest Reserve for the purpose of protection for biodiversity conservation.
Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)
- United Nations Development Programme
- Ministry of waterways and environment
- Conducted reconnaissance survey of the subject area, including consultations with the relevant local authorities and landowning communities to present survey objective and finalise logistical arrangements
- Organised and managed the mobilization of the assessment team to and from the subject area
- Conducted field survey and assessment of the subject area, collecting specimens and data, its analysis, and proper storage for future reference within the USP collection facilities, including the Herbarium
- Established assessment plots within subject area for potential use of monitoring
- Collated and documented baseline findings into a Scientific report that meets FAO standards for publication