Accreditation Services
- Quality Management /International Accreditation Services
The QMC Section monitors and ensures that the Laboratory Services routinely provides its customers reliable service and results, at a level of accuracy consistent with the customers' needs within acceptable time scales. In this context, "quality" means: fitness for purpose, meeting customers’ expectations and requirements.
The QMC Section also assists the Laboratory in preparation for international accreditation assessments to ISO 17025 and follows-up to ensure that the laboratory continues to comply with the international standard at all times.
Maintaining the quality system includes conducting internal audits, training in standard requirements and SOPs, carrying out of non-conformances and customer complaints (gifts) investigations.
The IAS Quality Management system utilises a tiered approach to documentation:
International Standards:
ISO/IEC 17025 General requirements for the competencies for testing and calibration laboratories
Specific Criteria for Accreditation Guides
Technical Guides
International Standard Reference Methods
Quality Manual
The Quality Manual describes the quality system policies and procedures by which the IAS Laboratory operations are performed. The policies and procedures are written according to the requirements of the ISO/IEC 17025 standard. The QM also acts as a directory to related procedures and work instructions.
Standard Operating Procedures
Provides specific directions for undertaking test procedures and administrative activities.
Quality Records
Provide objective evidence of activities performed or results achieved (Test Reports worksheets, calibration data, method validation, corrective actions and audit reports).
The unit also coordinates:
- Equipment calibration and monitoring for the IAS Laboratory
- Proficiency (Interlaboratory samples check program) for the Laboratory
- The Annual Management Review of the IAS Quality System
- All external audits
- Training of IAS staff on Quality related procedures
Certificates of Accreditation
For the latest certificates of accreditation for the IAS Laboratory Services, click here (chemical) and click here (biological)
For more information on accreditation with the International Accreditation New Zealand, click here https://www.ianz.govt.nz/
Marketing and Communication
The unit is responsible for managing the IAS brand and reputation and for developing organisation-wide strategies, policies and procedures to guide communications and its integration into IAS’s scientific and technical programmes.
The QMC Unit:
- Informs the public of the Institute’s goals, plans, and activities through various media outlets.
- Coordinates a comprehensive effort to inform the institute staff members of the Institute’s strategic plan and goals
- Oversees, guides, plan, and coordinate the writing, publication, and production of all IAS communication products – printed materials, photos/videos, website, presentations and social media postings
The QMC Section coordinates the Marketing and Public relations exercises for the Institute. This includes arrangement of contractual agreements with IAS customers, design and preparation of IAS promotional materials, IAS Annual Reports, IAS newsletters, IAS news press releases, updating of the IAS website and coordination of IAS and USP Open Days.
Customer Equipment Calibration
The QMC Section also coordinates the calibration of the following equipment; quotations may be obtained by emailing ias@usp.ac.fj or calling (679) 323 2972
- Hydrometers
- Balances
- Dissolved Oxygen Meters
- Thermometer
- Alcohol\Brix hydrometers
- DMA meters
- Incubators
- Ovens
- Muffle furnaces
- pH meters, EC meters
- Chlorine meters
- Turbidity meter
- Salinity Meters
- AAS & Iron meters
- UV Vis Spectrophotometer
- Vernier callipers
- Micrometers
Other QMC Services
Training & Consultancies Services: Development of other laboratories quality assurance & control systems
The QMC Section also has the expertise to assist other laboratories in developing their quality control systems. This includes conducting of assessments, training in the aspects of quality assurance and quality control. A more detail scope of works maybe prepared upon consultation with the QMC Unit staff.
Information Technology Services/Knowledge Management
The QMC Section assists other units in the design, creation and monitoring of implementation of Information Technology databases/programs for quicker access to information.
Strategic Plan Compilation, Monitoring & Reporting
The QMC Section works with other Units at IAS in the compilation of the IAS Strategic Plan and also monitors and reports on the implementation of IAS SPs. The QMC Section also follows-up to ensure that all IAS External Audits findings are addressed and implemented.
Equipment Inventory & Records Management
The QMC Section maintains and Inventory of all equipment received and used at the Institute. The Section along with the Administration, Finance & Governance Section also coordinates the storage, retention and archives of important IAS reports and publications.
Workshop/Training & Conferences Support
IAS holds various workshops, trainings and seminars and the QMC Section supports these events through provision of IT, media and administration support.
Human Resources – New Staff Orientation & Exit Interviews
All new IAS staff, students or those on secondment attachments undergo an Orientation process and this is conducted by the QMC Section.
The Unit also conducts exit interviews and coordinates handing over at the completion of IAS staff employment.
Monitoring of Projects
The QMC Section through the compilation of the Opportunity Tracking Tool, tracks and reports on business opportunities, proposals development status and project achievements for the Institute.