IAS held Training for Provincial Council Conservation Officers
17 May 2017
The Institute of Applied Sciences (IAS) conducted a training funded by the Packard Foundation for the iTaukei Affairs Conservation Officers to strengthen their overall institutional and technical capacity of the iTaukei Conservation Unit and iTaukei Affairs Board in dealing with environment and natural resource management issues affecting their respective communities. The training was held from 24 January to 4 February 2017 at the IAS Conference Room. The entire 14 Conservation Officers (COs) serving in Fiji from the provinces of Rewa, Cakaudrove, Macuata , Kadavu, Lomaiviti, Lau, Naitasiri, Nadroga/Navosa, Bua, Ba, Serua and Namosi, and two COs based at the iTaukei Affairs Head Office in Suva attended this training.
One of the main outputs of the training is to better equip the COs in providing technical advice and recommendations on Environmental Impact Assessment reports that have been submitted for review to the Roko Tui (Provincial Governor) and Provincial Office.
The key facilitators of the training were Dr Isoa Korovulavula (Manager of the Environment Unit, IAS) and Ms Make Movono (Senior Scientific Officer). Other specialists from the various IAS Units facilitated topics related to their area of work. The main topics covered in the training were Environmental Management, Environment and Social Impact Assessment, Biodiversity Conservation, Integrated Resource Management Approaches, Project Management, Monitoring and Decision making tools. The approaches used to conduct the training were lectures, case studies, group discussions and presentations.
A feedback noted by one of the participants on the Training Review form was “the course strengthened my understanding of the basic principles of environmental management, for example, putting more effort in reading, knowing the legislation and Acts so we are well informed of the information and background of the different environmental issues before sharing the knowledge to our communities.”
The Manager, Environment Unit, Dr Isoa Korovulavula stated that IAS was well suited to deliver the training due to the extensive knowledge and experience gained by the Institute in the planning, implementation and review of conservation projects that IAS have been involved in both locally and regionally. IAS will continue to impart technical knowledge to the region to improve community conservation measures which would ultimately sustain the livelihoods of people in Fiji and the region.