IAS conducts Sampling Training for Regional Health & Fisheries Inspectors
23 May 2017
The Institute of Applied Sciences (IAS) of the University of the South Pacific held a Training on Sampling Techniques and Microbiological analysis for Health and Fisheries inspectors, Fishing industries’ quality personnel from the region on 28 – 30 March. This training funded by the Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) had participants from the Solomon Islands, Kiribati, Papua New Guinea and Fiji. The training facilitators from IAS were Mrs Arun Pande, Senior Microbiologist and Microbiology Key Technical Persons Ms Anjila Nand Raghuwaiya and Ms Ashika Dayal. They covered the following topics:
- Aseptic sampling, storage and transportation of samples for microbiological analysis
- Quality control in media & reagents preparation
- Microbiological analysis of water, fish and swab samples
- Recording, calculations and interpretation of certain fish, water and swab microbiological analysis results data
The feedback from the participants were very positive, and participant, Mr Alfred Yangas, Certification Officer of the National Fisheries Authority, Papua New Guineas stated that “The training was very useful and as a result we have really trimmed down a lot on the testing parameters and sampling techniques that were unnecessary especially for microbiology. I was impressed with the way the training was designed and useful tips were gained which will be implemented back in PNG.” The FFA Trade Advisor, Mr Jope Tamani also commended the trainers on the positive outcomes of the training.
The Manager, Laboratory Services at IAS, Mr Usaia Dolodolotawake said that IAS was pleased to assist the Forum Fisheries Agency in supporting the proper monitoring of fish and fish products processing and that the training was crucial in that reliable quality data can only be used if proper sampling is employed.