Sponge Samples

CDDC ID Phylum Order/Family Genus Colour Description
CDDC-1000 Sponge Niphatidae Niphates all green Abundant at 5-10m on top reef on coral & rock; v. spongy; finger projections; plenty 2-5mm oscules
CDDC-1001 Sponge Petrosiidae Xestospongia pink/ beigepink inside Common at 5-10m on top reef on coral & rock; styrofoam like loaf of bread, breaks easy; solitary; few v. big osc.
CDDC-1002 Sponge Verongida Pseudoceratina brown; yellow ins. black out of water Abundant at 5-10m on top reef/ mangrove on coral; hard & leathery; encrusting, branching, creeping; oscules not vis.
CDDC-1003 Sponge Chalinidae Haliclona; Subg. Reniera brown Abundant at 5-10m on top reef/ mangrove on coral & rock; v. soft/ spongy; Recollects No. 05-17, 119?
CDDC-1004 Sponge Poecilosclerida Desmacella/ Clathria hirsuta all maroon Rare at 5-10m top reef on coral/rock; projections, knobby & porous; encrusting; plenty cavernosa like osc.
CDDC-1005 Sponge Callyspongiidae Callyspongia? all lighter brown Common at 5-10m on top reef/ mangrove on sand; v. spongy & soft finely conulose/spiny; encrusting, creeping; plenty 2-5mm osc.
CDDC-1006 Sponge Halichondrida Axinyssa all orange Abundant at 5-10m top reef on coral/rock; soft, spongy, conulose; solitary & massive; 2-10mm osc
CDDC-1007 Sponge Verongida Pseudoceratina brown Common at 5-10m top reef on coral/rock; v. rough, conulose; stalk; single 4mm osc. on top of Sponge
CDDC-1008 Sponge Dictyonellidae Acanthella all orange Abundant at 5-10m top reef; porous; solitary; plenty 10mm osc.
CDDC-1009 Sponge Haplosclerida Cribrochalina maroon; change to green out of water Rare at 5-10m top reef on coral/rock; spongy & soft; branching; plenty 1mm osc. all over; few 5mm ones
CDDC-1010 Sponge Haplosclerida Haliclona; Subg. Reniera brown probably = No. 4 (1003), 119
CDDC-1011 Sponge Halichondriidae Halichondria purplish brown Rare? at 5-10m on coral on top reef/mangrove; spongy & porous, hispidy under diss. Micr; solitary & bulbous; few 1mm oscules
CDDC-1012 Sponge Tetillidae Paratetilla yellow Abundant at 5-10m on coral on top reef/mangrove; hard; solitary & spherical; some 5mm osc. all around
CDDC-1013 Cnidaria Nephtheidae Nephthea beige Abundant at 5-10m on coral/rock on top reef/mangrove; milky green secr.; pungent; branching on stalk
CDDC-1014 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Lobophytum whitish; greenish grey out of water Common at 5-10m on coral; top reef/ mangrove; pungent; hard w. ridges, fleshy in water; on stalk + creeping
CDDC-1015 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia brown;black out of water Common at 5-10m top reef on coral; pungent; clear black secret.; rough & hard w. ridges; branching on stalk; shrunken; lots of sclerites
CDDC-1016 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia yellow Common at 5-10m top reef on coral; milky brown mucus secretion; rough & hard w. ridges/projections; stalk
CDDC-1017 Sponge Axinellidae Axinella? all orange Common at 5-10m on coral/rock on top reef; milky orange secr.; soft & rough w. ridges; pungent; solitary on stalk & branching; few 3mm osc.
CDDC-1018 Sponge Clathrinida Leucetta bright yellow Abundant at 5-10m on top reef/ overhang on coral/rock; hard; lemon shape, solitary; some 3mm osc.
CDDC-1019 Sponge Phleodictyidae Siphonodictyon like yellow orange Common at 5-10m on top reef on coral/rock; knobby; branching, boring?; plenty 10mm osc.
CDDC-1020 Sponge Ancorinidae Rhabdastrella redbrown; yellow inside Abundant at 5-10m top reef on coral/rock; massive; plenty 2-10mm osc; symbionts growing around (pic)
CDDC-1021 Sponge Phleodictyidae Siphonodictyon white Abundant at 5-10m on top reef on coral; hard & crunchy; 10mm osc. each; symbiont: red Ascidian (pic)
CDDC-1022 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Lobophytum whitish; greenish grey out of water Common at 5-10m on coral; top reef/ mangrove; pungent; hard w. ridges, fleshy in water (similar 1014)
CDDC-1023 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia brown; black out of water similar to Fj01-036; no real clubs in polypary; clear black secretion
CDDC-1024 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia yellow; y.brown out water Common at 5-10m; milky brown mucus; typical Sinularia sclerites
CDDC-1025 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Cladiella white Rare? At 5-10m on coral on top reef/mangrove; hard & rough w. projections; stalk; shrunken
CDDC-1026 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia yell.-grey; grey outside water Common? at 5-10m on coral top reef; milky brown secret.; pungent; soft w. projections; arborescent on stalk; typical clubs
CDDC-1027 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sarcopthyton yellowish Common at 5-10m on coral on top reef; milky lightbrown secr.; soft & fleshy; pungent; massive on stalk
CDDC-1028 Sponge Crellidae bluish-purple Common at 5-10m top reef on coral/ rock; clear, sticky purplish secr.; v. pungent; spongy; plenty 1mm osc.
CDDC-1029 Sponge black-brown Abundant at 5-10m on coral/rock on top reef/mangrove; fleshy, leathery; solitary
CDDC-1030 Sponge Spongiidae Coscinoderma black; grey ins. & unders. Abundant at 7-11m on coral & sand; spongy, leathery, tough & porous; solitary & massive; few 20mm osc.
CDDC-1031 Ascidian Stolidobranchia Polyandrocarpa greenish black; orange inside Common at 7-11m on coral under overhang; fleshy; stalk; plenty siphons; for DNA analysis
CDDC-1032 Sponge Spongiidae Phyllospongia reddish/ brown "elephant ear" Common at 7-11m on coral at cliff; clear red secretion; smooth & spongy; solitary, thin sheet, cup shaped; plenty >1mm osc.;
CDDC-1033 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Lobophytum grey; orangy underside Common at 7-11m on coral at cliff; clear lightbrown secretion; bit pungent; hard w. ridges; shrunken
CDDC-1034 Sponge all black Common at 7-11m on coral at cliff; clear darkbrown secr. when squeezed; pungent; rough & hard; solitary & massive; few 2mm osc.
CDDC-1035 Sponge Phleodictyidae Siphonodictyon white Abundant at 7-11m on coral at cliff; recollect 024?; brittle, projections; volcano shape; 5-10mm osc.
CDDC-1036 Sponge Calcarea bluish white Abundant at 7-11m on coral at cliff; v. spiculose; hard; encrusting, thin sheet; 5mm osc.; "death star"
CDDC-1037 Chlorophyta Udoteaceae Tydemania all green Common at 7-11m on coral/rock at cliff; spongy; creeping
CDDC-1038 Sponge Dictyoceratida La+F1109melloDysidea lightgreen; change to purple out of water . Abundant at 7-11m on coral at bottom reef; clear redbrown secr.; microvilli projections; encrusting thin sheet; few 2mm osc.
CDDC-1039 Sponge Dictyoceratida greenish pink Common at 7-11m on coral at cliff; clear purple secr.; pungent; hard & microconulose w. ridges; encrust. thick sheet; some 3mm osc.
CDDC-1040 Cnidaria Gorgoniidae Rumphella brown Common at 7-11mon coral & sand, bottom reef; hard; colonial; fan-like
CDDC-1041 Sponge yellow-brown; brown out of water Rare at 7-11m on coral at cliff; pungent; porous, v. hard & rough; solitary; plenty 2-7mm osc.
CDDC-1042 Sponge Haplosclerida greenish brown Rare at 7-11m on coral at cliff; pungent; clear pinkish secr.;soft, conulose & spongy; solitary; plenty 2-5mm osc.
CDDC-1043 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sarcophyton yellow Common at 7-11m bottom reef of cliff; gelatinous lightbrown secr.; pungent; smooth & soft; stalk
CDDC-1044 Sponge Verongida Pseudoceratina beige; change maroon out water Common at 7-11m on coral/rock at cliff; milky pink secr.; fleshy & leathery w. ridges; stalk; 1 big osc., closes under water when cut
CDDC-1045 Sponge Halichondrida Halicondrida brown; underside lightbrown Common at 7-11m on coral at cliff; areolated & hispid; solitary, encrust. thick sheet; 1osc. of 1mm
CDDC-1046 Sponge Dictyonellidae Liosina dirty white Common at 7-11m on coral at cliff; smooth, spongy, rough, slimey; encrusting?; some osc. >1mm
CDDC-1047 Cnidaria Zoanthid Palythoa beige Abundant at 7-11m on coral/rock; hard; encrusting thick sheet
CDDC-1048 Sponge Dictyoceratida darkbrownyellow ins. & unders. Common at 7-11m on coral at cliff; bit pungent; spongy, porous, hard; solitary; some 2-5mm osc.
CDDC-1049 Cnidaria Xeniidae Heteroxenia blue/white Common at 17m in channel on coral/rock ; sticky, milky secr.; v. soft ; colonial on short stalk
CDDC-1050 Sponge Haplosclerida white/pink Common at 20m on coral at cliff; soft & spongy; creeping; 5mm osc.
CDDC-1051 Sponge Haplosclerida Callyspongia purple/ white Abundant at 10-15m on coral at cliff; rough, spongy & conulose; encrust. thick sheet; plenty 2-4mm osc.
CDDC-1052 Sponge Halichondrida Topsentia white Common at 10-30m on coral/rock; bit pungent; smooth, rough; solitary & massive; plenty osc. diff. size
CDDC-1053 Sponge Clathrinida Leucetta purplish; change to pink out water Common at 25m on coral at cliff; clear lightbrown secr.; pungent; knobby; encrust. thick sheet; some 7mm osc
CDDC-1054 Sponge Clathrinida Leucetta yellow Common at 5-8m on coral top reef; aromatic odor; hard & rubbery; some 1mm osc.
CDDC-1055 Ascidian Ascidiacea Trididemnum green/ brown/ pink Common? at 50m at wall on coral; clear red secr.; rubbery & tough; encrust. thin sheet
CDDC-1056 Sponge Aplysinidae all darkbrownpurple Rare? At 10m on coral/rock at wall; purple secr. porous & hard; solitary some 8mm osc.; recollect 058?
CDDC-1057 Cnidaria Zoanthid Palythoa grey Common at 9m on coral/rock on boulder; hard; thick encrust. sheet
CDDC-1058 Sponge Poecilosclerida Biemna red/brown Common at 5-8m on coral top reef; milky brown secr.; pungent; soft & smooth, sfce rugose; encrust. thick sheet; 1mm oscules
CDDC-1059 Sponge Halichondrida Hymeniacidon? light purple; underside white Rare at 25m on coral at wall; clear pink secr.; hard & rubbery; sfce hispidy; thick sheet; plenty v. small osc.
CDDC-1060 Sponge Thorectidae fasciospongia darkbrown; lightbrown inside Common at 10-20m on coral/rockat wall; clear lightbrown secr.; rubbery, hard & conulose; creeping & solitary w. finger projections; few 3mm osc.; G-1487?
CDDC-1061 Ascidian Ascidiacea Didemnum green/ white Abundant at 2-5m on coral top reef; sticky green secr.; fragile, soft & slimey; colonial
CDDC-1062 Sponge Petrosiidae Petrosia all brown Abundant at 3m on coral/rock top reef; brown secr. only when sqeezed; soft & spongy w. areolated, finely hispid sfce; 5mm osc. on tube projections
CDDC-1063 Sponge Petrosiidae Neopetrosia all black Common at 3m on coral/rock top reef; milky black secr.; pungent; v. soft & finely hispid; plenty 1-3mm
CDDC-1064 Sponge Petrosiidae Xestospongia orange-brown; white inside Common at 3m on coral/rock top reef; milky pink secr.; pungent; v. light & brittle; solitary & massive; huge osc.
CDDC-1065 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sarcophyton all black Common at 5m on coral/rock top reef; clear black secr.; sfce bit tuberculate, hard & rough; solitary & massive; osc. not visible
CDDC-1066 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia white; brown out of water Common at 3m on coral top reef; milky brown secr.; stalk; shrunken
CDDC-1067 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia darkbrown white stalk; Common at 10m on coral top reef; milky lightbrown secr.; pungent; soft head, hard stalk; shrunken
CDDC-1068 Ascidian Ascidiacea all black Common? At 20m at wall on coral/rock; clear black secr.; rough & rubbery; encrusting thick sheet
CDDC-1069 Sponge Haplosclerida Haliclona/ Reniera brown; lightbrown inside Abundant at 5-15m on coral at cliff; clear brown secr.; v. soft & spongy; solitary; 1-10mm osc.; recollect 004
CDDC-1070 Sponge Brown; yellow inside Abundant at 5-8m on coral; spongy, crunchy & spikey projections; encrusting thick sheet; various size osc. on projections
CDDC-1071 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Nephthyigorgia yellow Common at 5-12m on coral/rock in channel; clear yellow secr.; pungent; projections; fan-like & branching on stalk; v. spiculy
CDDC-1072 Sponge Suberitidae Suberites dark yellow; yellow inside Common at 3-5m on coral at top reef; clear yellow secr.; hard, conulose, rubbery & spikey; 3-8mm osc.
CDDC-1073 Ascidian Ascidiacea all black Common at 3-5m on coral top reef; milky black secr.; rubbery & hard; encrust. thick sheet; siphons visible
CDDC-1074 Sponge Suberitidae Suberites all black Common at 3-5m on coral/rock; clear brown secr.; rubbery & hispidy; solitary; some 2-8mm osc.
CDDC-1075 Alga maroon Common at 2-3m on coral/sand at top reef/mangrove; stalked
CDDC-1076 Sponge Haplosclerida yellow-beige; beige inside Rare at 3m on coral top reef; clear, sticky colourless secr.; sand grains, brittle & crunchy; encrust? thick sheet; unusual growth; osc. not vis, symbiont: 5mm "hairy" material;
CDDC-1077 Sponge Poecilosclerida Zyzzya black Common at 5-8m on coral at wall; rubbery; encrust. thick sheet;several 2-7mm osc.; recollect111?
CDDC-1078 Sponge Petrosiidae Siphonodictyon dirty orange-yellow Abundant at 5-8m on coral/rock at wall; recollect#9?; phosporus odor; hard, hollow & tough; encrust. thick sheet; 2-10mm osc.
CDDC-1079 Sponge Haplosclerida Petrosina red Common at 4m on coral on boulder; redbrown secr; soft, spongy, fragile, hispid & conulose; encrust. thick sheet; some 1mm osc.
CDDC-1080 Sponge Dictyoceratida Dysidea brown Abundant at 5-8m on coral on boulder; rough, rubbery & conulose; encrust. & creeping; 1-3mm osc.
CDDC-1081 Cnidaria Melitheidae Melithaea redbrown Abundant at 5-8m on coral/rock on boulder; aromatic odor; fan-like
CDDC-1082 Sponge Polymastiidae Polymastia light- purple/ white Common at 5-8m on coral top reef/ boulder; pungent; spongy, rough, porous, rubbery, conulose; encrust. thick sheet; plenty 1-7mm osc.
CDDC-1083 Ascidian Ascidiacea red Common at 8-10m on coral and plant material; milky orange secr.; aromatic; smooth; encrust. thin sheet (pic); siphons not visible; recollect?
CDDC-1084 Sponge Petrosiidae yellow-brown Rare at 8-10m on coral/rock on boulder; spongy, microhispid; solitary, thick sheet; plenty 1mm osc. all over
CDDC-1085 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Lobophytum grey; white underside Common? at 5-8m on coral on boulder; clear colourless secr.; pungent; encrusting; shrunken
CDDC-1086 Sponge Callyspongiidae brown; yellow inside Common at 8-12m on coral on boulder; lightbrown secr.; v. soft, v. porous, spongy, rugose & compress.; solitary, massive; plenty 1mm osc.; recollect?
CDDC-1087 Sponge Callyspongiidae Euplacella pink/ white Abundant at 8-12m on coral/rock on boulder; milky pink secr.; crab odor; smooth, spongy, porous, brittle & v. light; solitary; plenty v. small osc.
CDDC-1088 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sarcophyton yellow; change darkgreen out of water Rare? at 3m on coral top reef; clear lightbrown secr.; pungent; soft & fleshy; stalk; shrunken
CDDC-1089 Sponge Agelasida Agelas white/orange/brown yellow underside Rare at 8-12 m on coral/rock top reef/mangrove; hard, porous, conulose hispidy; solitary? thick sheet; plenty 1-15mm osc. (pic)
CDDC-1090 Sponge Halicondrida Halicondria white w. marks; yellow inside Abundant at 10m on coral bottom reef & patches of rocks;rough, smooth & rubbery; encrust. thin sheet; osc.?
CDDC-1091 Sponge Petrosiidae Neopetrosia brown; pink inside Common? at 10m on coral of a patchy reef; hard & crunchy w. ridges; solitary w. spicule brushes sticking out; plenty 1-3mm osc.
CDDC-1092 Sponge Geodiidae Geodia white Common at 0m on top reef in coral; pungent; v. hard & sandpapery; encrust., boring; plenty 0,5mm osc.
CDDC-1093 Sponge Spirastrellida Spheciospongia all brown/ lightbrown Abundant at 0m on sandy shore/ seagrass; firm & crunchy; boring w. finger project.; 1osc on top 10mm
CDDC-1094 Sponge Spirastrellida Spheciospongia brown; yellow-brown ins. & unders. Abundant at 0m on sandy shore/ seagrass; spongy & porous; solitary & boring; plenty 2-6mm osc
CDDC-1095 Pheophyta Dictyotales Padina yellow-brown w. white Abundant at 0m on top reef on coral; smooth & fragile
CDDC-1096 Sponge Poecilosclerida Zyzzya all black Common at 0m in seagrass on sand; clear black secretion; chunky; solitary; osc. not visible
CDDC-1097 Sponge yellow Abundant at 0m on coral top reef; spongy & v. light; encrusting thin sheet; plenty v. small oscules
CDDC-1098 Alga brown Abundant at 0m on coral top reef; clear gelatinous pink secretion; soft
CDDC-1099 Sponge Tetillidae Cinachyra(ella) brown; pink inside Rare? at 15m bottom reef on coral/rock; soft; solitary, globular; several 5-10mm osc.
CDDC-1100 Sponge Petrosiidae Xestospongia brown; lightbrown-pinkish ins. & unders. Common? at 15m bottom reef on coral; pink, clear secr.; soft, breaks easy; solitary & massive; plenty 1-5mm osc.
CDDC-1101 Sponge Clionaidae Cliona grey-yell. /black Susan # 70; Common? at 12-15m; boring, encrust.; v. stinky (H2S)
CDDC-1102 Sponge Clionaidae Cliothosa yell.-grey; grumbly yell. ins. Susan # 71; At 1m low tide; film & shiny; boring; stinky H2S
CDDC-1103 Sponge purple/ black/grey Common at 0m top reef on coral; hard & chunky; encrusting? thick sheet; symbiont w. other Sponge
CDDC-1104 Sponge Halichondrida Axinellida all orange Common at 12m on dead animal on wall in channel; projections, hard, knobby; solitary; few 3mm osc.
CDDC-1105 Alga Chlorophyta Dictyosphaeria green Abundant at 6m on top reef; knobby buttons, smooth & hard;resembling L. patella; intact
CDDC-1106 Sponge yellow? Susan # Momi Bay; At 6m; boring into coral head; stinky
CDDC-1107 Sponge Haplosclerida Callyspongia greenish brown Rare at 5-10m on top reef on oyster; smooth, soft & spongy; encrust. thick sheet; plenty 5mm oscules
CDDC-1108 Sponge Haplosclerida brown looks like elephant ear
CDDC-1109 Sponge Haplosclerida brown looks like elephant ear
CDDC-1110 Sponge Dictyoceratida brown, grey inside Hippospongia looks, spikey
CDDC-1111 Sponge Dictyoceratida brown Thorectidae looks; spikey
CDDC-1112 Sponge Dictyoceratida l. purple/ yellow Dysidea looks; plenty oscules
CDDC-1113 Sponge black looks chondrosida
CDDC-1114 Sponge Thorectidae Fascaplysinopsis brown
CDDC-1115 Sponge Halichondrida orangey yellow slippery; with big oscules
CDDC-1116 Sponge Dictyoceratida yellowish grey conulose; with fingery projections; Hippospongia looks
CDDC-1117 Sponge Halichondrida white/ yell round blob; few oscules
CDDC-1118 Sponge Dictyoceratida brown/yell Thorectidae looks; spikey
CDDC-1119 Sponge Astrophorida Rhabdastrella red; yell. inside typical specimen
CDDC-1120 Ascidian Ascidiacea Eudistoma l. purple; dark outs. Water flat mat with star shaped imprints; encrusting
CDDC-1121 Sponge blood red crella looks
CDDC-1122 Sponge Callyspongiidae Callyspongia l. green very spongy and light
CDDC-1123 Sponge Halichondriidae Strogylodesma beige ropey; v. light
CDDC-1124 Sponge Callyspongiidae Callyspongia greenish grey vase shaped; very spikey and light
CDDC-1125 Sponge Halichondrida brown/ mix amorphus blob
CDDC-1126 Sponge Guitarridae Tetrapocillon all black looks slippery
CDDC-1127 Sponge Spongiidae Coscinoderma black; grey ins. typical specimen
CDDC-1128 Sponge Callyspongiidae Callyspongia brown vase shaped; thin ectosome
CDDC-1129 Ascidian Polycitoridae Eudistoma all black looks slippery
CDDC-1130 Ascidian all black same
CDDC-1131 Sponge Aplysinidae Aplysina brownish yellow spikey ropes
CDDC-1132 Ascidian lemon yellow colonial; looks like Diazona
CDDC-1133 Cnidaria Antipatharia Antipathes brown Rare at 9m at wall on coral; Algae smell; soft at ends, hard at center; solitary on stalk & branching; intact
CDDC-1134 Cnidaria Antipatharia Antipathes brown Common at 10m at wall on coral; hard; Algae smell; solitary on stalk & branching; intact
CDDC-1135 Cnidaria Nephtheidae Nephthya purplish Common at 10m at wall on coral; clear, light purple mucus; pungent
CDDC-1136 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia grey/ brown Common? at 8m at wall on coral/ rock; milky, green mucus; sinularia feel w. ridges; colonial; shrunken
CDDC-1137 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia brown; black outs. water Common at wall at 12m on coral/ rock; clear black secr.; pungent; hard w. ridges; colonial; shrunken
CDDC-1138 Cnidaria Melitheidae Melithaea purplish-red Common at 15m at wall on coral; hard; colonial & fan-like on stalk
CDDC-1139 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sarcophyton green Common at 15m botttom reef on coral/sand; clear lightgreen secr.; pungent; soft; colonial on stalk
CDDC-1140 Cnidaria Nephtheidae Lemnalia grey Common at 12m at wall on coral; soft; milky grey secr.; pungent; colonial on stalk & branching
CDDC-1141 Cnidaria Gorgoniidae Rumphella brown Common at 12m under overhang on coral/rock; clear brown secr.; pungent; soft; colonial on stalk
CDDC-1142 Sponge brown Common at 10m on coral; spongy w. ridges; solitary; osc.2-9mm
CDDC-1143 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sarcophyton green Common at 15m botttom reef on coral/sand; clear lightgreen secr.; pungent; soft; colonial on stalk
CDDC-1144 Bryozoa Phidoloporidae Tryphyllozoon orange Abundant from 8-15m on coral at wall; hard, fragile & brittle; colonial
CDDC-1145 Sponge Clionaidae Cernicornia green; yellow inside Abundant at 0m; spikey;(= 03-112?); collected mainly for DNA extraction
CDDC-1146 Sponge Clionaidae Cernicornia green; yellow inside Similar to 111 above, but projections tinier; Fresh DNA extraction
CDDC-1147 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia creamy; white ins.; brown outs. water Common? at 10m on coral/rock at bottom reef; greenish mucus secr. when cut; brain like ridges w. sinularia feel; encrusting thick sheet
CDDC-1148 Sponge brown; yell. ins.+ unders. Common at 12m on coral at bottom reef; spongy; solitary; plenty 1-2mm oscules in one area
CDDC-1149 Sponge Dictyonellidae green Common? at 12m on coral at bottom reef; a bit whitish mucus; pungent; v. spongy, soft; creeping, encrusting thick sheet; plenty 1-2mm osc.
CDDC-1150 Cnidaria Zoanthid Palythoa lightbrown creamy inside Abundant at 12m on rock on bottom reef; hard; encrusting thick sheet; plenty 5mm openings
CDDC-1151 Sponge all black Common at 8-12m on bottom reef; clear black mucus; hard, fibrous; bit pungent & aromatic; encrusting; few 2mm oscules
CDDC-1152 Sponge Dictyonellidae Acanthella redorange Common at 12m at wall on coral/rock; spongy w. ridges; solitary; no osc. vis
CDDC-1153 Sponge Calcarea all yellow Abundant at 12m on rock in cave; hard; solitary; intact; two big osc.
CDDC-1154 Sponge Chalinidae Haliclona light orange Common at 15m on rock at bottom reef; clear orange secr. when squeezed; smooth, fleshy & v. soft; solitary; few small oscules
CDDC-1155 Sponge Poecilosclerida Biemna redbrown;underside yellow Common at 10-15m on coral at wall; light red gelatinous mucus; itchy; soft; solitary; plenty small oscules
CDDC-1156 Sponge Calthropellidae Ecionemia greyish black; grey ins. Common at 15m on rock at bottom reef; aromatic & pungent; v. spongy & porous; solitary; few 2-5mm osc.
CDDC-1157 Sponge all orange Rare? at 12m on rock; soft & spongy; encrust. thick sheet; few 2mm osc.
CDDC-1158 Sponge Petrosiidae Petrosia light brown; pink inside Common at 12m at wall on bottom reef; milky pink secr.; spongy & v. soft; breaks easy; some 1mm osc.
CDDC-1159 Sponge Callyspongiidae Callyspongia yellow Rare at 8m on rock; soft & spongy; thick sheet spanning from rock to rock; plenty 2mm osc.
CDDC-1160 Sponge Thorectidae Phyllospongia pinkish brown Common at 10m on bottom reef; smooth & leathery; solitary 1.5mm thin sheet w. stalk; 0.5mm osc.
CDDC-1161 Sponge Thorectidae Carteriospongia dirty pink Common on coral at 12m bottom reef; clear pink secr.; soft w. ridges; thin sheet; several 1mm osc.,symb.: Algae, barnacles, coral
CDDC-1162 Sponge Poecilosclerida Iotrochota black-purple On coral at 12m bottom reef; clear purple secr.; knobby projections & a bit spikey; thread like; osc.?
CDDC-1163 Cnidaria Zoanthid Palythoa darkbrown; lightbrown ins. Rare? at 12m on coral/rock; clear lightbrown secr.; thick sheet, large mat; plenty openings, intact
CDDC-1164 Sponge all black Rare in cave at 15m bottom reef; brown secr. when squeezed; soft w. ridges; solitary; few 4mm osc.
CDDC-1165 Sponge all orange At 12m on cliff bottom reef on coral; clear light yellow secr.; spongy & soft; solitary; few 8mm osc.
CDDC-1166 Sponge Poecilosclerida Echinodictyum v. black outside; yellow ins. Abundant at 5-15m on coral/rock; clear greenish yellow secr.; v. soft & smooth; v. disintegrating; no osc. vis
CDDC-1167 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia brown; l. brown inside Common at 7m on rock at wall; clear l.brown mucus; aromatic & pungent; rough & v. hard w. ridges; colonial
CDDC-1168 Sponge all brown Common? in sand 12m; pungent; spongy & soft; boring; few 4mm osc., symbionts: Sponge, Algae covered
CDDC-1169 Sponge black; grey ins. & unders. . Rare at 10mon coral/rock; clear purple secretion; smooth & fleshy; solitary, encrusting thick sheet; osc. not vis.
CDDC-1170 Sponge Clionaidae Cernicornia greenish grey outs; light yellow ins. Abundant at 0m on top reef burrow ing in mud & sand; pungent; hard; colonial w. finger projections; 1mm osc. on top, zooxanthellae
CDDC-1171 Alga Chlorophyta Boodlea all green Abundant at 0m on top reef on coral; soft, shiny & fragile; colonial
CDDC-1172 Sponge all black Common at 0m; spongy & soft; solitary w. digitate projections; plenty1-4mm oscules; similar to No 119 but different growth form
CDDC-1173 Sponge Niphatidae Niphates all purple Abundant 0m on muddy top reef on coral; bit spongy & hard; creeping & branching; plenty 1-2mm osc.; green Algal symbionts
CDDC-1174 Echinoderma Holothuriidae Holothuria purplish Common at 0m on top reef; clear brown secretion; soft; intact
CDDC-1175 Sponge green Common at 0m on top reef; on coral; hairy projections; arborescent on stalk; osc. not vis.
CDDC-1176 Sponge Tetillidae Paratetilla brown outs.; yell. inside Abundant yellow golf balls in mud
CDDC-1177 Sponge Spongiidae l.brown; redbrown underside Common at 10m at wall on coral; smooth & soft; solitary, 1mm thin sheet with plenty v. small osc.
CDDC-1178 Sponge Thorectidae Petrosia darkbrown; brown inside Abundant at 10-15m on coral/ wall; clear yellow secr.; pungent odor; hard, knobby; conulose, solitary & massive; plenty 3mm osc.;
CDDC-1179 Sponge Verongida Suberea black; yellow inside Common at 12m on coral/rock in channel at wall; clear purple secr.; fleshy & shiny ropes; solitary on stalk; osc. not visible
CDDC-1180 Sponge Petrosiidae Xestospongia grey; yellow inside Abundant at 12m on coral/rock; spongy; solitary w. finger project.; osc. not vis.; Symbionts: Bryozoans
CDDC-1181 Sponge yellow Common at 12m on coral/rock at wall; spongy & soft; plenty 1-2mm osc.; Symbionts: Bryozoans (pic!)
CDDC-1182 Sponge Phleodictyidae Aka white Abundant at 10-15m on coral at wall /overhang; chunky & rough;solitary?, encrusting thick sheet; plenty up to 15mm osc.
CDDC-1183 Sponge all black Common? at 10m on coral at wall/ underside; soft & spongy?; solitary; clear brown secr. when sqeezed; some 1-2mm oscules
CDDC-1184 Sponge all black Common at 12m on coral at wall; clear black secr.; pungent; breaks easy; solitary; plenty 1mm osc.
CDDC-1185 Sponge brownish- yell.; yell. inside Rare? at 12m on coral at wall; soft , smooth & a bit spongy; solitary;some 1mm osc.
CDDC-1186 Ascidian Stolidobranchia Polyandrocarpa orange mottled w. black & opaque At 10-20m; massive, club shape; rubbery
CDDC-1187 Sponge henna brown outer surface; creamy inside 10m on coral/rock; abundant; 5mm thick sheet w. ears of 15cm ; rough sfce; fibrous & rough; not compress.
CDDC-1188 Sponge Ancorinidae Rhabdastrella henna brown skin (1mm); yellow inside Common at 10m on coral; massive; Yellow juice; aphanacapsa symbiont
CDDC-1189 Sponge Axinellidae all bright orange Occasional at 10m; upright bushes; fleshy; secr. orange juice; Osc.?
CDDC-1190 Sponge Halichondrida all dirty cream At 15-22m way inside overhangs; massive; smooth; firm; 1-2mm osc.
CDDC-1191 Sponge orangish brown; beige inside . Occasional at 10m in hole in cave; ear shape; rough; crunchy; breaks easily; clear, sticky, slimy secr.; 1mm osc.
CDDC-1192 Sponge Plakinidae grey/black & beige At 19m; massive, encrusting; firm; v. smooth; 1-2mm oscules
CDDC-1193 Ascidian mottled olive; creamy white zooids At 1m on rope & pilings; encrusting thin, rubbery sheet; smooth
CDDC-1194 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia brown; changes darkbrown out of water . Abundant at wall between 8-12m on coral/rock; clear green secretion; smooth & chunky; colonial w. finger project.; shrunken
CDDC-1195 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia brown Common at 10m on coral/rock on boulder; gelatinous lightbrown mucus; aromatic & pungent; smooth & fleshy w. plenty lobes; colonial; contracted
CDDC-1196 Sponge Tetillidae Paratetilla beige; yell. inside 13m; rounded 5cm balls; furry; radial spicules; osc. are porocalyces
CDDC-1197 Sponge Spirastrellida Spheciospongia dark gold; lighter inside 13m; encrusting & boring; smooth; bright yellow secretion; firm; osc. closed to mountain peaks
CDDC-1198 Sponge Chalinidae Haliclona all dull green 13m; upright branching; smooth; spongy & fibrous; tears hard;sticky, slimy secretion
CDDC-1199 Sponge Thorectidae Lufariella dark green grey; dull gold ins. 13m; massive; smooth between truncate & iregular conules; fibrous;terpenoid odor; osc.?
CDDC-1200 Sponge Petrosiidae Xestospongia brown outs Gold/ green ins. 13m; massive, rounded chunks; smooth; firm & stony; sticky green. secretion; 10mm deep irregular osc.
CDDC-1201 Sponge Dictyonellidae Acanthella all deep orange 13m; highly textured; rounded balls; rubbery; large oscules
CDDC-1202 Sponge Verongida Suberea yellowy greenblack aerophobic 13m; encrusting thick patches w. ropes; conulose; smooth & slippery; rubbery, cheesy, dense
CDDC-1203 Sponge Petrosiidae Xestospongia rosy tinged to 5mm; beige ins. 13m; massive w. cluster of huge tubes; outer layer rubs off easily; rough; 5cm osc., apical & v. deep
CDDC-1204 Sponge Tetillidae Cinachyrella silty srfce; pink inside 2m; round balls 7-8cm; hispid; small porocalyces all over
CDDC-1205 Sponge Halichondriidae Stylissa all bright orange 2m; upright clubs; irregularly textured; bit fleshy; few 12mm osc.
CDDC-1206 Sponge Calcarea Leucetta yellow; turns olive green 2m; rounded; firm; not compress., breaks hard; osc. 2mm apical
CDDC-1207 Sponge Thorectidae Phyllospongia henna 3m; stalked fan; slightly textured & tiny bumps; flexible; tiny oscules
CDDC-1208 Sponge rosy brown, beige ins. 3m; undulating bowl flaps & folds; microfurry w. ridges; fibrous; osc. under sfce.; thin orange juice
CDDC-1209 Sponge Dictyoceratida LamelloDysidea purplish; beige inside 3m under overhang; encrusting fan; conules, fine sandy lines; fibrous;"fused ears"; osc.?
CDDC-1210 Ascidian Diazonidae Diazona yellow w. whitish zooids At 15m; smooth & firm; tumor shaped; 4g (frothing over) diff. colours; 10g=dry weight
CDDC-1211 Sponge Spirophorida Cinachyrella all yellow 15m; massive, 6x12cm mango shaped; dense & holds a lot of water; shaggy & rough sfce; osc.?
CDDC-1212 Sponge Dictyoceratida Petrosaspongia dark grey black; beige ins. 18m; massive folds w. upright pillars; microconules; fibrous, dense; terpenoid; breaks hard; osc.?
CDDC-1213 Ascidian Polycitoridae Cystodites translucent peachy beige grey 15m; encrust. & colonial; rubbery; not compress.; white zooids dry
CDDC-1214 Ascidian Polycitoridae Cystodites translucent peachy beige grey 15m; encrust. & colonial; rubbery; not compress.; white zooids wet
CDDC-1215 Sponge Haplosclerida Aka white; red underside 15m; slimy clear secretion; fistulose; firm; 10-15mm oscules
CDDC-1216 Sponge Verongida all purple-brown 7-15m; feathery bushes; highly textured; fibrous & crunchy; osc.?
CDDC-1217 Sponge Poecilosclerida Strongylodesma deep red-crimson 7-15m; encrusting w. upright flames; smooth; dense; 2mm osc.
CDDC-1218 Sponge Poecilosclerida Acanthodoryx all deep dark red 15m; 6-8mm x 25cm fan; rough; fibrous; tears hard; red juice; osc.?
CDDC-1219 Sponge Dictyoceratida Luffariella black; gold beige inside 21m; massive 5x 20cm; rough w. conules; fibrous & firmish; terpenoid odor; tears hard; osc.?
CDDC-1220 Alga Rhodophyta Halymenia red rare at 10m at wall on coral
CDDC-1221 Cnidaria Scleraxonia Annella dark brown Common at 12m on rock at wall; fan-shape
CDDC-1222 Cnidaria Rhodophyta Amphiroa orange Common at 8m on wall; on coral; colonial, branching; v.spiculous
CDDC-1223 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia yellow Typical alcyoniidae; common at 5m; soft & fleshy; shrunken
CDDC-1224 Sponge Plakinidae Plakortis dark brown; bright yell. inside & unders. Common at 10m on rock at wall; a bit spongy, smooth; secretes when squeezed; solitary & encrusting; 1mm osc.; symb.: Hydroids
CDDC-1225 Sponge Chalinidae brownred; purpl/whit unders. Rare at 8-10m on coral & rock; a bit spiculous & rough; encrusting thick sheet; plenty 1mm oscules
CDDC-1226 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia bright yellow Rare at 1m on sandbank/seagrass; on rock and sand; rough, sinul. feel; colonial; shrunken; v.spiculous
CDDC-1227 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia brown;d. brown outside water Common at 1m on sandb./seagrass; on rock and sand; pungent, alcyoniidae smell; rough w.ridges; colonial; shrunken; v.spiculous
CDDC-1228 Echinodermata Echinodea Tripneustes purple, white spikes At 0m, top reef; abundant; hard texture; solitary; intact
CDDC-1229 Echinodermata Echinodea Opheodesoma light brownish At 0m; common in seagrass; clear mucus; soft & fragile; solitary
CDDC-1230 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia brownyell.dirty white ins. Abundant at 0m on rock/coral; pungent smell; rough & fleshy; colonial, encrusting thick sheet;
CDDC-1231 Sponge Poecilosclerida Iotrochota yell. outs. turning blue Common at 1m on coral at beach; blue secretion; spongy & soft; encrust. thin sheet; few small osc.
CDDC-1232 Sponge Chalinidae Callyspongia blackish outs., dirty yell. ins. Common at 10m bottom reef; gelatinous dirty yell. secretion; knobby, rough & spiky; osc. not vis.
CDDC-1233 Sponge Chalinidae Callyspongia blackish outs., dirty yell. ins. same as 1232; less secr.
CDDC-1234 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Cladiella l. purplish; light grey/ brown o. w Abundant at 1m on rock at rocky shore; secretes clear mucus; pungent smell;
CDDC-1235 Alga Phaeophyta Sargassum green (w. grapes) Common at 0m on rock at rocky shore soft; branching; intact
CDDC-1236 Ascidian Didemnidae Didemnum orange w. dark base Abundant at 0m on rock; colonial; v. tiny; intact, no siphons visible
CDDC-1237 Sponge Poecilosclerida Iotrochota purple Common at 1m on coral at rocky shore sticky purple gelatinous secretion; v. thin sheet; encrusting
CDDC-1238 Sponge Halichondrida Stylissa Orange, golden Upright clubs: thin juice
CDDC-1239 Sponge Axinellidae Axinellida Orange Stalked, bushy form; highly textured
CDDC-1240 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Lobophytum Greenish brown; cream ins. Flat w. fingery projections; lots of spicules
CDDC-1241 Sponge Agelasidae Agelas Dull yellow-orange; Encrusting; highly textured, rough surface; milky secretion
CDDC-1242 Sponge Chalinidae Haliclona Henna; cream ins. Massive encrusting; smooth;breaks easily
CDDC-1243 Sponge Ancorinidae Rhabdastrella Henna; orange inside Massive; smooth; orange juice
CDDC-1244 Sponge Thorectidae Fascaplysinopsis Orangy brown Rounded massive form; rough w conules; fibrous texture
CDDC-1245 Sponge Haplosclerida All orange Stalked; smooth; fibrous, spongy, flexible
CDDC-1246 Sponge Verongida Pseudoceratina Orange; yell. Ins., slowly to black Repent form; smooth, conules & rounded protuberances; rubbery, dense cheesy texture
CDDC-1247 Sponge Dictyoceratida Dysidea/ Eurospongia purple, drab ins. Massive, bushy; rough, conules; spongy, fibrous
CDDC-1248 Cnidaria Nephtheidae Reddish orange spicules
CDDC-1249 Sponge Halichondrida Acanthella Bright orange Rounded conules on smoooth surface
CDDC-1250 Sponge Calcarea Pure white Spicules, faintly convoluted; (death star)
CDDC-1251 Alga Chlorophyta Dictyosphaeria pale green, darker on underside irridescent bubbles, button shaped
CDDC-1252 Alga Chlorophyta Tydemania greenish chains of clumps; sand incorporated
CDDC-1253 Cnidaria Nephtheidae Lemnalia white w. grey dots firm, stony & crispy texture; 2cm thick, 6cm long
CDDC-1254 Sponge Dictyoceratida Dysidea brown w. henna tinge, pale green, darker on underside
CDDC-1255 Sponge Ircinidae Ircinia grey w. blackish tinges massive encrusting; smooth; rounded conules (tall & fleshy); cheesy texture
CDDC-1256 Sponge Haplosclerida all albino beige 2cmx8cm; furry; spongy & fibrous texture; prominant oscules (4-8mm)
CDDC-1257 Sponge Dictyoceratida brownish grey, golden inside encrusting massive & amorphous form conules; fibrous, tough texture; sticky secretion; terpenoid odor
CDDC-1258 Sponge Poecilosclerida Diacarnus v. mottled purpl. red white; drab inside Opaque cartilagenous longitudinal tracts of a rounded massive form; cheesy, dense texture; slimy secret.
CDDC-1259 Sponge Halichondrida All creamy Massive form (10x15cm), interior channels; hispid surface; firm texture
CDDC-1260 Sponge Halichondriidae orange turn greenish black if cut encrusting; hispid furry surface; dense firmish texture w. 2mm oscules
CDDC-1261 Sponge Ancorinidae Jaspis bright orange; lighter ins. encrusting; microtextured rough; symbiosis w. barnacles; tiny oscules
CDDC-1262 Sponge Callispongiidae rosy tinged; cream inside 1cm thickness; distinct ectosome; v. smooth; fibrous texture; oscules of 2-3mm distributed unevenly
CDDC-1263 Sponge Poecilosclerida Biemna reddish brown; beige inside 2x6cm; thick, encrusting form; sfce: smooth & slippery ; v. compressible; slimy, clear secretion; oscules: 3mm
CDDC-1264 Ascidian Styelidae Polycarpa black 10cm length; solitary; wrinkly, rubbery surface, heavily fouled
CDDC-1265 Sponge/ Cnidaria All grey 2mm thick; thin encrusting; pimples on surface
CDDC-1266 Sponge Niphatidae Niphates greenish beige; drab inside 0.5-2cm thick; encrusting, wandering; smooth sfce; fibrous; med. compress.; oscules: 2-3mm
CDDC-1267 Sponge Spirastrellida Spirastrella golden brown; 1-2cm, found on rock/sand; encrusting, boring; dense & firm; yellow juice
CDDC-1268 Sponge Haplosclerida brown;cream ins. At overhang; 7mm thick; long, folded sheets; microbumpy sfce; fibrous
CDDC-1269 Sponge Phleodictyidae Aka All orange Burrowing form w. thin walled fistules (2-3cm tall); smooth sfce that peels off readily; fibrous, mushy interior; 5mm oscules
CDDC-1270 Sponge Haplosclerida Petrosia rosy grey tinged cream; drab inside Massive form; conules on rough sfce; crunchy, crisp, firm texture; oscules up to 5cm (huge-deep, volcanoes)
CDDC-1271 Alga Rhodophyta red lettuce like w. flattened stipe
CDDC-1272 Sponge Verongida Pseudoceratina yellow; turning blak/green 5mm thick; encrusting; low conules on smooth, slippery sfce; rubbery, cheesy
CDDC-1273 Sponge Spirastrellida Spirastrella All greyish black 1cm thick; encrusting w. mountains, boring; firm texture; oscules: 2cm mountains
CDDC-1274 Sponge Tetillidae Cinachyra(ella) hot pink radial skeleton; 'pink donkey balls';
CDDC-1275 Sponge Poecilosclerida Aka All white 1.5cm tall like molars; burrowing; smooth; firm; slimy clear secretion
CDDC-1276 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Klyxum beige rounded folds, grows on stalk; fleshy; slimy
CDDC-1277 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Cladiella grey w. black dots typical specimen
CDDC-1278 Sponge Hadromerida brownish green; bit lighter ins. 8cm length; tubes & clubs sticking out from sand; smooth sfce; a bit crisp; breaks easily
CDDC-1279 Sponge Poecilosclerida Biemna brown; yellow at underside At 15m on wall; quite common on rocks; sticky, gelatinous, colourless secretion; smooth & soft texture
CDDC-1280 Sponge Poecilosclerida Jaspis All orange-yellow At 15m on wall substrate: coral & rock; common; soft & spongy
CDDC-1281 Sponge Haplosclerida Bubaris redbrown; white underside At 15m on wall; common, on coral & rock; encrusting
CDDC-1282 Sponge Axinellidae Axinellida All orange At 10m on boulder at bottom reef; sandy; substrate: rock; abundant
CDDC-1283 Sponge Axinellidae Axinellida orange; At 12m; boulder, sandy, at bottom reef common; spongy
CDDC-1284 Sponge Tetillidae Paratetilla grey; dull yell. ins. + under Between 7-15m; boulder & sandy; abundant on rock; smooth & round; full size
CDDC-1285 Sponge Plakinidae Plaktoris brown; lighter inside At 15m; bottom reef, boulder, sandy; on coral & rock
CDDC-1286 Sponge Chalinidae Haliclona green At 10-15m; bottom reef, boulder, sandy; on coral/rock; encrust.; stalk w. fingery projections; 1-2mm osc.
CDDC-1287 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sarcophyton yellow; drab out of water At 1m on top reef near beach; on rock; abundant; smooth & fleshy; massive;
CDDC-1288 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sarcophyton yellowish; darkening outs water At 2m on top reef near beach; common on rock; fleshy w. nodes
CDDC-1289 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sarcophyton greywhite; dark ening outs water At 2m on top reef near beach; common on rock; fleshy w. small dots on sfce
CDDC-1290 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia brown projections white inner sfce Abundant at 1m on rock near beach; soft & fleshy; secrets brownish mucus; colonial & branching
CDDC-1291 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia Brown; cream inside Common at 1m on rock near beach; soft & fleshy w. nodes, knobby & leathery
CDDC-1292 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia browncream; whitish cream ins.; Common at 1m on rock near beach; fleshy w. nodes, knobby & leathery; massive structure
CDDC-1293 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sarcophyton yellow; turning drab outs. Abundant, 1m on top reef near beach; small pores at edge, w. 'goose bumps'
CDDC-1294 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sarcophyton white; turning dirty white outs. water Common at 2m on top reef near beach; soft, smooth & fleshy; slimy, gelatinous secretion (creamy colour)
CDDC-1295 Sponge Poecilosclerida Biemna yell.brown yellow inside At 1m on top reef near beach; on rock; common; slimy, cl secretion; itchy; furlike sfce, breaks easily; 7mm round, frequent oscules
CDDC-1296 Sponge Halichondrida Stylissa all orange At 1-2m; abundant at bottom near beach; fibrous & spongy, w. plenty oscules of 2-8mm various shape
CDDC-1297 Sponge Homosclerophorida? Corticium/ Geodia All darkbrown At 1.5m on rock on bottom; a bit gelatinous (green); rough, porous & hard texture; 3mm round oscules
CDDC-1298 Ascidian Stolidobranchia Polyandrocarpa green/ yellow At 1m on wall; brittle; symbiosis w. red crinoid
CDDC-1299 Sponge Halichondrida Stylissa orange At 9m on rock; rare; spongy & soft w. ridges; stalk; few 3mm osc.
CDDC-1300 Sponge Dictyonellidae Acanthella all orange At 15m on rock at wall; common; spongy; plenty deep ssc. 0.5-2mm
CDDC-1301 Sponge Halichondriidae? Amorphinopsis orange At 15m on underside on rock; rare; spongy & porous w. ridges & furlike sfce; encrusting; 0.5-1mm osc.
CDDC-1302 Sponge Spongiidae Coscinoderma dark grey outs.; light grey ins. & under sfce Common at 14m on rock on slope; spongy, fleshy, leathery, soft & v. porous w. ridges, holds lots of H2O; solitary & massive; 0.5-2mm osc.
CDDC-1303 Sponge Astrophorida Rhabdastrella redbrown; yell. ins.& underside Rare at 15m on rock on wall; spongy w. soft nodes; solitary; osc. 1-2mm and only in center
CDDC-1304 Sponge Lithistida Theonella greyish brown At 0.5m in seagrass/sand top reef substr.: sand; rare; firm texture; stalk, colonial; of 1mm osc.
CDDC-1305 Echinodermata Archasteridae Archaster greyish-white; Om in sand on top reef; abundant; hard texture
CDDC-1306 Sponge Poecilosclerida Rhabdastrella brown outs., all yellow ins. voucher only. Typical sample with osc. In center
CDDC-1307 Sponge Astrophorida all green
CDDC-1308 Sponge Astrophorida all green
CDDC-1309 Sponge Astrophorida all green
CDDC-1310 Sponge Astrophorida all green
CDDC-1311 Sponge Astrophorida all green
CDDC-1312 Alga Rhodophyta Halymenia all red
CDDC-1313 Alga Rhodophyta all red
CDDC-1314 Alga Rhodophyta all red
CDDC-1315 Alga Rhodophyta all red
CDDC-1316 Alga Rhodophyta all red
CDDC-1317 Sponge purple; white inside
CDDC-1318 Sponge purple; white inside
CDDC-1319 Sponge purple; white inside
CDDC-1320 Sponge purple; white inside
CDDC-1321 Sponge purple; white inside
CDDC-1322 Sponge purple; cream ins.
CDDC-1323 Sponge purple; cream ins.
CDDC-1324 Sponge purple; cream ins.
CDDC-1325 Sponge purple; cream ins.
CDDC-1326 Sponge purple; cream ins.
CDDC-1327 Cnidaria Nephtheidae white; br. outs. H2O; wh. polyps
CDDC-1328 Cnidaria Nephtheidae white; br. outs. H2O; wh. polyps
CDDC-1329 Cnidaria Nephtheidae white; br. outs. H2O; wh. polyps
CDDC-1330 Cnidaria Nephtheidae white; br. outs. H2O; wh. polyps
CDDC-1331 Cnidaria Nephtheidae white; br. outs. H2O; wh. polyps
CDDC-1332 Sponge brown; br.green inside
CDDC-1333 Sponge brown; br.green inside
CDDC-1334 Sponge brown; br.green inside
CDDC-1335 Sponge brown; br.green inside
CDDC-1336 Sponge brown; br.green inside
CDDC-1337 Sponge Dictyoceratida Phyllospongia/ Dysidea grey, pink uw; grey inside
CDDC-1338 Sponge Dictyoceratida Phyllospongia/ Dysidea grey, pink uw; grey inside
CDDC-1339 Sponge Dictyoceratida Phyllospongia/ Dysidea grey, pink uw; grey inside
CDDC-1340 Sponge Dictyoceratida Phyllospongia/ Dysidea grey, pink uw; grey inside
CDDC-1341 Sponge Dictyoceratida Phyllospongia/ Dysidea grey, pink uw; grey inside
CDDC-1342 Sponge Poecilosclerida Desmapsamma brown; brownyellow inside
CDDC-1343 Sponge Poecilosclerida Desmapsamma brown; brownyellow inside
CDDC-1344 Sponge Poecilosclerida Desmapsamma brown; brownyellow inside
CDDC-1345 Sponge Poecilosclerida Desmapsamma brown; brownyellow inside
CDDC-1346 Sponge Poecilosclerida Desmapsamma brown; brownyellow inside
CDDC-1347 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa all red
CDDC-1348 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa all red
CDDC-1349 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa all red
CDDC-1350 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa all red
CDDC-1351 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa all red
CDDC-1352 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa all red
CDDC-1353 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa all red
CDDC-1354 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa all red
CDDC-1355 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa all red
CDDC-1356 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa/ Cyanophyte mix all red
CDDC-1357 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa/ Cyanophyte mix all red
CDDC-1358 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa/ Cyanophyte mix all red
CDDC-1359 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa/ Cyanophyte mix all red
CDDC-1360 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa/ Cyanophyte mix all red
CDDC-1361 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa/ Cyanophyte mix all red
CDDC-1362 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa/ Cyanophyte mix all red
CDDC-1363 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa/ Cyanophyte mix all red
CDDC-1364 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa/ Cyanophyte mix all red
CDDC-1365 Alga Pheophyta Padina l.brown w white rings
CDDC-1366 Alga Pheophyta Padina l.brown w white rings
CDDC-1367 Alga Pheophyta Padina l.brown w white rings
CDDC-1368 Alga Pheophyta Padina l.brown w white rings
CDDC-1369 Alga Pheophyta Padina l.brown w white rings
CDDC-1370 Alga Pheophyta Padina l.brown w white rings
CDDC-1371 Alga Pheophyta Padina l.brown w white rings
CDDC-1372 Alga Pheophyta Padina l.brown w white rings
CDDC-1373 Alga Pheophyta Padina l.brown w white rings
CDDC-1374 Sponge Verongida Pseudoceratina yellow; turns blue outs water
CDDC-1375 Sponge Verongida Pseudoceratina yellow; turns blue outs water
CDDC-1376 Sponge Verongida Pseudoceratina yellow; turns blue outs water
CDDC-1377 Sponge Verongida Pseudoceratina yellow; turns blue outs water
CDDC-1378 Sponge Verongida Pseudoceratina yellow; turns blue outs water
CDDC-1379 Sponge Dictyoceratida all purple
CDDC-1380 Sponge Dictyoceratida all purple
CDDC-1381 Sponge Dictyoceratida all purple
CDDC-1382 Sponge Dictyoceratida all purple
CDDC-1383 Sponge Dictyoceratida all purple
CDDC-1384 Sponge brown; purple uw
CDDC-1385 Sponge brown; purple uw
CDDC-1386 Sponge brown; purple uw
CDDC-1387 Sponge brown; purple uw
CDDC-1388 Sponge brown; purple uw
CDDC-1389 Alga Chlorophyta Dictyosphearia all green
CDDC-1390 Alga Chlorophyta Dictyosphearia all green
CDDC-1391 Alga Chlorophyta Dictyosphearia all green
CDDC-1392 Alga Chlorophyta Dictyosphearia all green
CDDC-1393 Alga Chlorophyta Dictyosphearia all green
CDDC-1394 Sponge all whitish-cream
CDDC-1395 Sponge all whitish-cream
CDDC-1396 Sponge all whitish-cream
CDDC-1397 Sponge all whitish-cream
CDDC-1398 Sponge all whitish-cream
CDDC-1399 Sponge all yellow
CDDC-1400 Sponge all yellow
CDDC-1401 Sponge all yellow
CDDC-1402 Sponge all yellow
CDDC-1403 Sponge all yellow
CDDC-1404 Sponge Callispongiidae Callyspongia purple/white; purple inside
CDDC-1405 Sponge Callispongiidae Callyspongia purple/white; purple inside
CDDC-1406 Sponge Callispongiidae Callyspongia purple/white; purple inside
CDDC-1407 Sponge Callispongiidae Callyspongia purple/white; purple inside
CDDC-1408 Sponge Callispongiidae Callyspongia purple/white; purple inside
CDDC-1409 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sarcophyton yellow; turning blue outs water
CDDC-1410 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sarcophyton yellow; turning blue outs water
CDDC-1411 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sarcophyton yellow; turning blue outs water
CDDC-1412 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sarcophyton yellow; turning blue outs water
CDDC-1413 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sarcophyton yellow; turning blue outs water
CDDC-1414 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia all lightbrown
CDDC-1415 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia all lightbrown
CDDC-1416 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia all lightbrown
CDDC-1417 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia all lightbrown
CDDC-1418 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia all lightbrown
CDDC-1419 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia all yellow
CDDC-1420 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia all yellow
CDDC-1421 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia all yellow
CDDC-1422 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia all yellow
CDDC-1423 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia all yellow
CDDC-1424 Sponge Hadromerida Cervicornia brown; l.brown ins.
CDDC-1425 Sponge Hadromerida Cervicornia brown; l.brown ins.
CDDC-1426 Sponge Hadromerida Cervicornia brown; l.brown ins.
CDDC-1427 Sponge Hadromerida Cervicornia brown; l.brown ins.
CDDC-1428 Sponge Hadromerida Cervicornia brown; l.brown ins.
CDDC-1429 Cyanophyte Cyanophyte Lyngbya Marks sample
CDDC-1430 Mollusc Nudibranchia Phyllidia? Brads special sample
CDDC-1431 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Cladiella grey w. black dots short staby fingers; medium hard
CDDC-1432 Alga Chlorophyta Halimeda green Abundant at 0.5m on sandy bottom; soft; stalk & branching; intact
CDDC-1433 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sarcophyton whitish yell.outs.; yellowish ins.; At 3m on rock on bottom reef; rare; secretes clear mucus; soft & fleshy; massive & stalk; shrunken outside
CDDC-1434 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Klyxum? whitish brown At 3m on rock; common; gelatinous white mucus; unpleasant odor; v.soft & fleshy; colonial; contracted
CDDC-1435 Cnidaria Zoanthidae Palythoa creamy brown/ white; Between 1 and 3m on rocks; top reef; common; hard & a bit shiny; encrus-ting; contracted; grows around rock
CDDC-1436 Cyanophyte Cyanophyte Lyngbya
CDDC-1437 Cyanophyte Cyanophyte Lyngbya
CDDC-1438 Cyanophyte Cyanophyte Lyngbya
CDDC-1439 Cyanophyte Cyanophyte Lyngbya
CDDC-1440 Cyanophyte Cyanophyte Lyngbya
CDDC-1441 Cyanophyte Cyanophyte Lyngbya
CDDC-1442 Cyanophyte Cyanophyte Lyngbya
CDDC-1443 Cyanophyte Cyanophyte Lyngbya
CDDC-1444 Cyanophyte Cyanophyte Lyngbya
CDDC-1445 Cyanophyte Cyanophyte Lyngbya
CDDC-1446 Cyanophyte Cyanophyte Lyngbya
CDDC-1447 Cyanophyte Cyanophyte Lyngbya
CDDC-1448 Cyanophyte Cyanophyte Lyngbya
CDDC-1449 Cyanophyte Cyanophyte Lyngbya
CDDC-1450 Cyanophyte Cyanophyte Lyngbya
CDDC-1451 Cyanophyte Cyanophyte Lyngbya
CDDC-1452 Cyanophyte Cyanophyte Lyngbya
CDDC-1453 Sponge Poecilosclerida Biemna brown; l. yell ins. Common at 10m reef slope; med soft; high sticky mucus; low odor; 1 cm osc
CDDC-1454 Cnidaria Gorgoniidae Rumphella Dark grey-purple; black axis Common at 10-15m reef slope; hard; exposed
CDDC-1455 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia gray/purp. gray ins. Common at 10-15m reef slope; hard; encrust.; digitate
CDDC-1456 Ascidian Stolidobranchia Polyandrocarpa black/brow orange Common at 8-10m reef slope; low thin mucus;
CDDC-1457 Echinodermata Crinoidea Comanthus? all dark blue-green Abundant at 12m reef slope; hard w. hair like project.
CDDC-1458 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia all dark purplegray Common at 10-12m reef slope; med hard; broad bladed
CDDC-1459 Sponge Chalinidae Haliclona white/ yellow Rare at 10-12m reef slope; soft; digitate
CDDC-1460 Sponge Callispongiidae Callyspongia green/gray white Rare at 10-12m reef slope; med soft; fan shaped
CDDC-1461 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sarcophyton green/gray yell/white Common at 10-12m reef slope; med hard; high odor
CDDC-1463 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia brown; grey ins. Rare at 10-12m reef slope; med hard
CDDC-1464 Sponge Halichondrida Stylissa all orange Common at 10-12m reef slope; med soft; encrust.
CDDC-1465 Cnidaria Briareidae Briareum l. brown/ purple Rare at below 20m reef slope; med hard; encrust. & perforated
CDDC-1466 Cnidaria Nephtheidae Nepthya orange/ yellow Common at 15-20m reef slope; med hard; stalked; thin mucus
CDDC-1467 Sponge Dictyoceratida Dysidea purplegray brown Common at 10-12m reef slope; med soft; fan shaped
CDDC-1468 Cnidaria Nephtheidae Dendronephthya brownred Rare at 15-20m reef slope; med hard fan shaped; spikey
CDDC-1469 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Siphonogorgia red-purple Rare at 15-20m reef slope; med hard stalked
CDDC-1470 Cnidaria Nephtheidae Dendronephthya brownred Rare at 15-20m reef slope; med hard stalked; spikey
CDDC-1471 Cnidaria Zoantharia Antipathes all dark br.black Rare at 15-20m reef slope; med hard stalked; hair-like proj.
CDDC-1472 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia l. brown/ yellow Rare at below 20m reef slope; med hard; encrust.
CDDC-1473 Sponge Verongida Pseudoceratina brown yellow Common on reef slope; med soft; fan shaped
CDDC-1474 Sponge Ancorinidae Rhabdastrella brown; orange ins Common at 20m reef slope; med soft; osc vis.; under crevice
CDDC-1475 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sarcophyton purple/ gray Common at 20m reef slope; med soft; mushroom
CDDC-1476 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia purple/ gray Common at 25m reef slope; med hard; stalked
CDDC-1477 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sarcophyton purple/ gray Common at 12m reef slope; med hard
CDDC-1478 Cnidaria Acanthogorgiidae Acanthogorgia purple/ brown Rare at 25m reef slope; med hard; feathery
CDDC-1479 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia purple/ gray Common at 10m reef slope; med hard
CDDC-1480 Sponge Dictyoceratida Phyllospongia/ Dysidea purple/ brown Common at 13m reef slope; med hard; fan shaped
CDDC-1481 Cnidaria Zoantharia Palythoa l. brown-white Common at 19m reef slope; hard
CDDC-1482 Sponge Thorectidae Hyrtios brown; ins yell-gray Common at 19m reef slope; med soft; osc. Vis.
CDDC-1483 Sponge Niphatidae Cribrochalina brown/ white Common at 19m reef slope; med soft; osc. Vis.; epibionts
CDDC-1484 Cnidaria Nephtheidae Dendronephthya purple, white Rare at 25m reef slope; med hard; stalked; thin mucus
CDDC-1485 Cnidaria Chrysogorgiidae Stephanogorgia l. yellow Rare at 10-15m reef slope; med soft; fern like; slippery sfce
CDDC-1486 Sponge Axinellidae Axinellida dark orange Common at 25m reef slope; med soft; stalked
CDDC-1487 Cnidaria Plexauridae Villogorgia purple/ brown Rare at 10m reef slope; hard; fern-like fan; zooxanthellate
CDDC-1488 Cnidaria Melitheidae Melithaea orangy red Common at 10m reef slope; med soft; fern-like fan
CDDC-1489 Alga Rhodophyta Gracillaria straw beige/ dark maroon Common at 8m reef slope; hard; fingery projections; encrusting; low odor
CDDC-1490 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia brown/ l. brown inside Common at 8m reef slope; hard; fingery projections; encrusting; low odor
CDDC-1491 Sponge Leucettidae Leucetta/ Leucascus white/ grey Abundant at 7-8m reef slope; part exposed; "death star"; hard
CDDC-1492 Cnidaria Nephtheidae Dendronephthya purple/red white ins. Common at 5-8m reef slope; med soft; v. spikey; DfM M2
CDDC-1493 Sponge Haploscerida Cladochalina blue/gray; gray ins. Rare at 8m reef slope; soft & v. spongy; protected; vis osc 2-5mm
CDDC-1494 Sponge Haploscerida Pachychalina blue/gray ins. Rare at 5-8m reef slope; med hard; tougher than 1493; additional material from dive 3+4; bluish secr.; DfM M19
CDDC-1495 Cnidaria Nephtheidae Scleronephthya all gray Common at 12m reef slope; med hard; low pungent odor
CDDC-1496 Cnidaria Melithaeidae Acabaria all red Rare at 5m reef slope; arborescent; dichotomous growth
CDDC-1497 Sponge Dictyoceratida LamelloDysidea gray; purple inside Abundant at 10-12m reef slope; exposed+encrusting; low pungent
CDDC-1498 Cnidaria Gorgoniidae Rumphella/ Hicksonella brown, black axis Abundant at 5-10m reef slope; exposed+encrusting; low pungent
CDDC-1499 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Chironephthya orange; white ins. Common at 13m reef slope on wall; med soft; fan shaped; part exposed DfM M36
CDDC-1500 Sponge Dictyoceratida Dysidea l.purple; gray ins. Common at 10-13m reef slope; med soft + spongy; protected; v.light with 1mm osc.
CDDC-1501 Sponge Phleodictyidae Aka all white; red Alga V. abundant at 5-15m reef slope; exposed+burrowing; typical speci-mens w. coralline Alga around
CDDC-1502 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sarcophyton brown; yellow ins. Common at 13m reef slope; soft; exposed; typical mushroom; thick mucus
CDDC-1503 Sponge Thorectidae Thorectaxia? brown; l.yellow ins. Rare at 12m reef slope in crevice; protected; purplish secr.; thick med mucus; med hard; looks yell. uw
CDDC-1504 Sponge Haploscerida Cladochalina? all tinged beige Rare at 8-12m reef slope in crevice; protected; v. slimey, sticky mats
CDDC-1505 Cnidaria Nephtheidae Umbellulifera transparent maroon Common at 10-15m reef slope; med soft; part exposed; low odor
CDDC-1506 Alga Chlorophyta Dictyosphaeria all green Abundant at 10-12m reef slope; exposed, med hard buttons; cracks when cutting
CDDC-1507 Sponge Haploscerida Chalinula d.brown; beige ins. Rare at 8-12m reef slope; soft + breaks easy; 2mm volcano oscules; poss. from Solomons?
CDDC-1508 Alga Pheophyta brown Common at 5m reef slope; soft; part exposed; v.thin; turns green in EtOH; DfM M23
CDDC-1509 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa beige Abundant at 12m reef slope; part exposed and protected inbetween green Alga; hard & coralline
CDDC-1510 Sponge Thorectidae Phyllospongia gray; brown ins. Common at 12m reef slope; soft; exposed; v.thin leaves; DfM M21
CDDC-1511 Cnidaria subergorgiidae Annella all red Rare at 13m in crevice reef slope; hard & slimey (med thin)
CDDC-1512 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Siphonogorgia all purple Rare at 12m in crevice under overhang reef slope; med soft
CDDC-1513 Sponge Thorectidae all dark brown Abundant at 3-8m reef slope; exposed; soft; star shaped morph; brown secr.; DfM M12
CDDC-1514 Cnidaria Gorgoniidae Rumphella l.brown; black axis Rare? at 5m reef slope; med hard fan w. lots epibionts (Sponge, barnacles); low odor
CDDC-1515 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Chironephthya orange/ purple/ white Common at 5-8m reef slope; exposed; med soft; v. spikey; DfM M18
CDDC-1516 Sponge Poecilosclerida Biemna/ Neofibularia d.brown; yellow ins. v. abundant at 3-10m reef slope; exposed; sticky, thick mucus
CDDC-1517 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sarcophyton green; beige ins. Common at 5m reef slope; soft; exposed; typical mushroom
CDDC-1518 Sponge Niphatidae Cribrochalina d.brown; grey ins. Abundant at 5-10m reef slope; med hard elephant ears; DfM M26
CDDC-1519 Sponge Halichondriidae Hymeniacidon all orange Common 5-8m; DfM M10
CDDC-1520 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia brown; grey ins. Common 5m reef slope; hard; high pungent
CDDC-1521 Alga Pheophyta l.brown Common at 3m on bummy; arborescent & exposed
CDDC-1522 Cnidaria Tubiporidae Tubipora dark red Common (in 1 place) 5m on bummy; hard & exposed
CDDC-1523 Sponge Thorectidae Lendenfeldia yellow; purple/gray Common 5m on bummy; soft & encrusting: DfM M24
CDDC-1524 Cnidaria Hexacorallia Galaxea gray; white polyps Common (in 1 place) 4m on bummy; v.strongly attached to substrate
CDDC-1525 Alga Chlorophyta all green Rare at 5m sand flat; med soft
CDDC-1526 Ascidian Stolidobranchia Polycarpa black; orange ins. Common at 3-6m on/in corals, sticking out; sand flat; hard
CDDC-1527 Sponge Spongiidae Coscinoderma d.gray; beige ins. Common at 5m reef slope; med soft & exposed; DfM M8
CDDC-1528 Sponge Thorectidae all d.brown v. abundant at 10-15m reef slope; exposed; med soft; similar to earlier collected, but easier to get from substrate
CDDC-1529 Sponge Clionaidae Spheciospongia all mottled yellow Abundant at 15m sand flat; med hard & encrusting; big volcano oscules; yellow watery secret.
CDDC-1530 Cnidaria Ellisellidae Viminella maroon; white axis Common at 19m reef slope/sand flat; med hard & exposed; dichotomous branching
CDDC-1531 Cnidaria Ellisellidae Dichotella maroon; brownish-white axis Common at 15m reef slope; med hard & exposed; continuous dichotomous branching; DfM M34
CDDC-1532 Ascidian Stolidobranchia Polyandrocarpa flecked green; yellow ins. Common at 5-15m reef slope; med hard & exposed; on stalk
CDDC-1533 Cnidaria Nephtheidae Dendronephthya orange; white ins. Abundant at 10-12m reef slope; exposed; med soft
CDDC-1534 Sponge Thorectidae black; beige ins. Common at 20m sand flat/reef slope; med soft; DfM M 38
CDDC-1535 Cnidaria Nidalidae Chironephthya orange; white ins. Common at 15m reef slope; med hard;
CDDC-1536 Sponge Poecilosclerida Zyzzya all black Rare at 20m; greenish black secr.
CDDC-1537 Cnidaria Melithaeidae Melithaea orange/red Common at 12m reef slope; fan shaped & med hard
CDDC-1538 Sponge Leucettidae Leucetta grey Abundant at 12-20m on bummy; part exposed; med hard; spikey
CDDC-1539 Sponge Leucettidae Leucetta yellow Abundant at 12-20m on bummy under overhang; part exposed; med soft; spikey
CDDC-1540 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Eleutherobia orange;red dots Common at 18-20m on bummy un-der overhang; protected; med soft
CDDC-1541 Alga Rhodophyta Peyssonnelia dark red Rare at 18m on bummy; protected; med hard; coralline+crunchy
CDDC-1542 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Lobophytum gray/brown beige ins. Common? at 15m on bummy; exposed; encrusting; med hard
CDDC-1543 Sponge Dictyoceratid Leiosella all orange Rare at 15m on bummy; protected in crevice; fan shaped; soft; sand ins
CDDC-1544 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia brown; beige ins. Rare at 5m on bummy; encrusting
CDDC-1545 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sarcophyton brown; yellow ins. Common? at 20m on bummy; exposed; slimey; pungent
CDDC-1546 Cnidaria Gorgoniidae Rumphella brown; black axis Rare at 7m reef slope; exposed; med hard
CDDC-1547 Sponge Halichondriidae Stylissa all orange Common at 8m reef slope; soft; thin mucus; poss same as 1746
CDDC-1548 Alga Cyanophyte Lyngbya brown/ white Abundant at 5-8m reef slope; exposed; v. bad odor
CDDC-1549 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia brown; white ins. Common at 5m reef slope; med hard; thin mucus
CDDC-1550 Sponge Thorectidae Phyllospongia purple; brown unders. Abundant at 5-8m reef slope; exposed; soft
CDDC-1551 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia all off white Rare at 10m reef slope under overhang; part exposed; med hard
CDDC-1552 Sponge Thorectidae Carteriospongia red Common at 11m reef slope; med soft; protuberances; detritus
CDDC-1553 Sponge Haplosclerida purple; red unders. Rare at 8m reef slope; part exposed med hard; coral incorporated
CDDC-1554 Alga Chlorophyta Chlorodesmis all green Common at 12-15m reef slope; soft
CDDC-1555 Cnidaria Xeniidae Heteroxenia translucent white Abundant at 5-10m reef slope; exposed; soft; medium thick mucus; maybe 2 species?
CDDC-1556 Sponge Dictyoceratida Dysidea/ Pleraplysilla green/gray Common at 11m reef slope; med soft; exposed; conulose; spongin fibres w. debris
CDDC-1557 Sponge Haplosclerid Chalinula purple/pink Rare at 8m reef slope; part exposed med soft; thin, high mucus;
CDDC-1558 Sponge Halichondriidae Stylissa all orange Common at 5m sand flat; med soft; poss same as 1735
CDDC-1559 Ascidian Stolidobranchia Polyandrocarpa green/ orange Common at 5m; typical, quite hard specimens
CDDC-1560 Alga Chlorophyta Dictyosphaeria all green Abundant at 5m; part exposed between hard coral
CDDC-1561 Sponge Thorectidae Thorecta brown; l.brown ins. Abundant at 5m; exposed; med soft; spikey; diff from 1750; debris
CDDC-1562 Sponge Thorectidae all brown Abundant at 5m; exposed; med soft; similar 1749; debris; conulose
CDDC-1563 Cnidaria Melithaeidae Melithaea orange; red polyps Common at 5m; exposed; hard;
CDDC-1564 Sponge Dictyoceratida Dysidea gray; purple inside Common at 5m; exposed; med soft; slippery; spongy; fibres w. sand
CDDC-1565 Cnidaria Corallimorph Amplexidiscus/ Discosoma brown/ purple Rare at 9m; part exposed; med soft; liver shaped; diff to get off substrate
CDDC-1566 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia off white; l.brown ins. Common at 15m; exposed; med hard; thin mucus; arborescent
CDDC-1567 Alga Rhodophyta Peyssonnelia maroon; gray unders. Common at 15m; part exposed; med hard; brittle; recollect?
CDDC-1568 Alga Rhodophyta Callophycus all red Common at 17m reef slope; protected in crevices; soft
CDDC-1569 Sponge Dictyoceratida Dysidea/ phyllospongia all l.pink Common (1 place) 17m reef slope; med soft; rosy growth w. many protuberances; v.similar G-0603 (here: Dysidea)
CDDC-1570 Alga Rhodophyta all red V.o. Common at 17m reef slope; part exposed
CDDC-1571 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sarcophyton browngreen whitish yell ins. Common at 12m reef slope; part exposed; under overhang; epibiont is 1759a
CDDC-1572 Mollusc Nudibranch translucent red stripes Rare; on underside of 1759; no pics in book
CDDC-1573 Cnidaria Nephtheidae Dendronephthya red/yellow white polyp Rare at 8m; part exposed in crevice supporting bundle; red stalk
CDDC-1574 Ascidian ascidiacea Eudistoma all black Common at 12m reef slope; med hard; low odor
CDDC-1575 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Eleutherobia all orange Common at 21m reef slope under overhang; med hard; chillies
CDDC-1576 Sponge Dictyoceratida Dysidea l.purple; beige ins. Rare at 12m reef slope; soft; exposed
CDDC-1577 Alga Pheophyta Padina like brown/ orange Common at 0m sand flat; low odor; soft, growing on seagras
CDDC-1578 Sponge Clionaidae Cervicornia brown/ beige Common at 0m sand flat; med soft; burrowing; finger like projections
CDDC-1579 seagrass Alismatales Syringodium all green Abundant at 0m exposed sand flat; soft; thin blades
CDDC-1580 seagrass Alismatales Halodule all green Abundant at 0m exposed sand flat; soft; braod blades
CDDC-1581 Alga Pheophyta l.brown Abundant at 0m exposed sand flat; soft; "happy hands"
CDDC-1582 Ascidian Aplousobranchia Pseudodistoma all black Abundant at 0m part exposed sand flat; med soft; on seagrass+Algae
CDDC-1583 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sarcophyton brown/ off yellow ins. Common at 15m reef slope; part exposed; soft; thin mucus
CDDC-1584 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia brown/ gray ins. Common at 15m reef slope; hard; exposed; no mucus
CDDC-1585 Sponge Pseudoceratidae Pseudoceratina orange/ white ins. Common at 5-15m reef slope; med hard; slippery ropes turning blue outs. water; thin purple secr.
CDDC-1586 Sponge Desmoxyidae Heteroxya maroon/ beige ins. Rare at 15m reef slope; soft, soggy bread loaf; low odor
CDDC-1587 Cnidaria Gorgoniidae Hicksonella brown/ black axis Common at 8-10m reef slope; hard; exposed;
CDDC-1588 Cnidaria Nephtheidae Dendronephthya maroon/ white polyps Common at 8-10m reef slope; med hard; exposed
CDDC-1589 Cnidaria Nephtheidae Scleronephthya all orange yellow uw Abundant at 8-15m; exposed under overhangs; med soft
CDDC-1590 Sponge Dictyoceratida LamelloDysidea gray/ l.purple Common at 10m reef slope; med soft; exposed; poss recollect
CDDC-1591 Sponge Callyspongiidae Dactylia all orange-beige Rare at 12m reef slope under overhang; soft; sand detritus
CDDC-1592 Sponge Halichondriidae all off white Rare at 15m reef slope protected under overhang; 1 long rope
CDDC-1593 Sponge Irciniidae Sarcotragus gray/purple Common at 20m reef slope; med soft; exposed; rubbery&tough; w.irciniid filaments
CDDC-1594 Sponge Halichondrida all l.purple Abundant at 0m seagrass bed; exposed; porous; one 5mm osc.; poss collected before (2012?)
CDDC-1595 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Lobophytum brown/ off yellow ins. Common at 12m reef slope; med soft; exposed; thin mucus; no siphonozooids in microscope
CDDC-1596 Sponge Ancorinidae Jaspis all orange Common at 10m reef slope; med soft; exposed; plenty 1mm osc.
CDDC-1597 Sponge Halichondrida Stylissa all orange Common at 7-10m reef slope; med soft; exposed
CDDC-1598 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa maroon Rare at 12m reef slope; exposed; calcareous & hard
CDDC-1599 Alga Chlorophyta Caulerpa greenish brown Common at 0-2m reef flat; med soft; exposed; dichotomous branching; v.light
CDDC-1600 Alga Cyanophyte green Abundant at 5-10m reef slope; exposed; soft
CDDC-1601 Sponge Haplosclerida Cladochalina purple/ gray Common at 5-10m reef slope; soft; spongy; springy; compressable
CDDC-1602 Cnidaria Nephtheidae Dendronephthya purple/ orange Common at 7m reef slope; med soft
CDDC-1603 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Lobophytum gray/yellow At 5m; med hard
CDDC-1604 Sponge Aplysinellidae Aplysinella gray/yellow Abundant at 10m reef slope; exposed; med hard; no color change; slippery vases
CDDC-1605 Cnidaria Chrysogorgiidae Stephanogorgia all yellow Abundant at 10m reef slope under overhang in cave; part exposed; soft
CDDC-1606 Cnidaria Scleractinia Goniopora grey; pink Rare at 3m; v. long polyps
CDDC-1607 Sponge Dictyonellidae Scopalina purple Common at 0m on seagrass; sticky thick mucus; spongin plates
CDDC-1608 Sponge all light orange Abundant at 0m on mud flat; tubular projections; burrowing in sand; osc.
CDDC-1609 Mollusc Naticidae Neverita dark brown Abundant at 0m on mud flat; medium hardness; azooxanthellate
CDDC-1610 Mollusc Mytilidae Mottled green/grey At 0m on mud flat
CDDC-1611 Alga Rhodophyta Callophycus dark red Abundant at 3-5m on reef flat; flattened & fern like; medium hard
CDDC-1612 Alga Rhodophyta Callophycus red Common at 3-5m on reef flat; flattened and fern like; same as 0004?
CDDC-1613 Alga Rhodophyta Peyssonnelia red Common at 3-5m on reef flat; fan shaped; crispy & calcified; hard
CDDC-1614 Alga Rhodophyta Haloplegma beige-pink Common at 6-7m on reef flat; flattened & broad bladed; soft
CDDC-1615 Alga Rhodophyta Corynocystis red-wine Rare at 6-7m on reef flat; serrated edges; irregular branches; =0026?
CDDC-1616 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa dark pink Common at 1-3m on reef flat; v. hard & calcified; grows in tufts
CDDC-1617 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa pink-rose Abundant at 1-5m on reef flat; medium hard & calcified
CDDC-1618 Alga Rhodophyta Neogonilithon pink Common at 1-5m on reef flat; v. hard & coralline; spiky
CDDC-1619 Alga Rhodophyta Euptilota red Common at ?m on reef flat; fern-like & feathery; irreg. branching; not calcified
CDDC-1620 Cnidaria Hydroid Stylaster orange base/ yellow tips Rare at 5-15m on reef slope; v. hard; fan-shaped
CDDC-1621 Alga Chlorophyta Boergesenia light green Common at 0m in seagrass beds on rubble; club shaped
CDDC-1622 Alga Pheophyta Hormophysa brown Common at 0m in seagrass beds on rubble; leaf like
CDDC-1623 Alga Rhodophyta Galaxaura light red Common at 0m in seagrass beds on rubble
CDDC-1624 Alga Rhodophyta Galaxaura dark redbrown Common at 0m in seagrass beds on rubble; leaf like
CDDC-1625 Alga Rhodophyta Jania light red Common at 0m in seagrass beds on rubble
CDDC-1626 Alga Rhodophyta Liagora light red/white Common at 0m in seagrass beds on rubble; soft; thin mucus
CDDC-1627 Alga Rhodophyta Galaxaura red Common at 1-3m on reef flat; dichotomous branching
CDDC-1628 Alga Rhodophyta Callophycus dark red Abundant at 3-8m reef slope; fern-like & feathery; medium soft
CDDC-1629 Alga Rhodophyta Halymenia dark red Rare at 8m reef slope; flattened, strap shaped; soft
CDDC-1630 Alga Chlorophyta Codium green Abundant at 3-8m reef slope; ball shaped; soft
CDDC-1631 Alga Rhodophyta Peyssonnelia red Common at 3-8m reef slope; flattened fan-shaped, encrusting; hard
CDDC-1632 Alga Rhodophyta Cheilosporum pink Rare at 6m reef slope; flattened, strap shaped, fern-like; coralline
CDDC-1633 Alga Rhodophyta Corynocystis dark red Common at 3-8m reef slope; flattened strap shaped, broad bladed; epibionts
CDDC-1634 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa pink Abundant at 3-8m reef slope; ball shaped; hard; irregular branching
CDDC-1635 Alga Rhodophyta Martensia mottled grey/purple/red Rare? at 2m on rubble; med. soft; lettuce-like
CDDC-1636 Alga Rhodophyta Halimenia beige-pink Rare at 2m on rubble; med. soft; flattened & broad bladed
CDDC-1637 Alga Rhodophyta Hypnea translucent brown to brown Common at 2-5m on rubble; soft; irreg. branching & pointed tips; bit crunchy
CDDC-1638 Alga Rhodophyta Galaxaura beige-pink Common at 2-5m on rubble; med. text; dichotomous branching & rounded tips;
CDDC-1639 Alga Rhodophyta Galaxaura red Common at 2-5m on rubble; med. text; dense balls & rounded tips;
CDDC-1640 Alga Pheophyta Dictyota brown Abundant at 2-5m on rubble; med. text; dichotomous branching
CDDC-1641 Alga Pheophyta Padina brown, white bands Abundant at 5-15m on rubble; med. text; broad bladed & fan-shaped
CDDC-1642 Alga Chlorophyta Halimeda green Abundant at 10m on rubble; hard & heavily calcified; triangular lobes
CDDC-1643 Alga Chlorophyta Rhipilia green Common at 5-15m on rubble; fuzzy balls on stalks
CDDC-1644 Alga Chlorophyta Tydemania green Common at 15m on rubble; spongy, soft text.; balls connected on stalk
CDDC-1645 Alga Rhodophyta Liagora beige-pink-white Common at 1-2m on rubble; soft, spaghetti-like;
CDDC-1646 Alga Rhodophyta Callophycus red Common? at 1-4m reef flat; detailed description on sheet
CDDC-1647 Bryozoan Candidae Srupocellaria brown Rare at 4-8m; feathery & fan-shaped; web like growth; medium hard
CDDC-1648 Cnidaria Ceriantipatharia Cirrhipates green Common at 4-10m; medium hard; wiry; stings; rounded ends
CDDC-1649 Alga Rhodophyta Peyssonnelia dark red/ orange rim Common at 4-10m; hard; fan-shaped; probably same as 0024
CDDC-1650 Alga Rhodophyta Peyssonnelia dark red Common at 4-10m; hard; fan-shaped; probably same as 0024
CDDC-1651 Alga Rhodophyta Peyssonnelia pinkish red Common at 4-10m; medium hard; fan-shaped; similar to 0024
CDDC-1652 Ascidian Ascidian Clavelina blue zooids/ colourless tunic At 4m; colonial; zooids 1cm high
CDDC-1653 Alga Rhodophyta Galaxaura red At 8m reef slope; decumbent & strap shaped; dichotomous branching
CDDC-1654 Sponge Hadromerida Hemiasterella purplish grey Common at 7m reef slope; leathery & soft; fan-shaped; same as 0056
CDDC-1655 Alga Rhodophyta Galaxaura red At 2-3m; strap (dictyota) shaped; same as G-0020+0055
CDDC-1656 Alga Rhodophyta Callophycus red Abundant at 2-4m reef flat; same as 0004, 0005, 0021
CDDC-1657 Cnidaria Gorgonian Rumphella brown/grey At 2-4m; stalked; med. hard; rubbery & leathery; Hicksonella like
CDDC-1658 Cnidaria Gorgonian Rumphella brown/grey Same as 0050 but necrotic (fuzzy, darkened, fouled) in part
CDDC-1659 Alga Rhodophyta Callophycus red Common at 6-12m reef slope Same as 0039, 0113, 0118, 0091
CDDC-1660 Alga Rhodophyta Phacelocarpus maroon Rare at 6-12m reef slope under ledges; epibionts 50%; wide straps
CDDC-1661 Alga Rhodophyta Plocamium pink/red Rare at 6-12m reef slope; medium soft
CDDC-1662 Alga Rhodophyta Galaxaura red At 6-12m on reef slope; same as G-0020+0048
CDDC-1663 Sponge Hadromerida Hemiasterella grey Abundant at 6-12m on reef slope; medium texture; same as 0047
CDDC-1664 Sponge black outside; orange/yellow inside Rare? at 6-12m on reef slope; soft; smooth sfce; osc not vis.
CDDC-1665 Bryozoan Cheilostomatida Reteporellina orange Common at 6-12m reef slope; medium hard; feathery; v. crunchy & fragile
CDDC-1666 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa pink Rare at 6-12m on reef slope; coralline & hard;
CDDC-1667 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa pink Rare at 6-12m on reef slope; coralline & hard; flattened branches
CDDC-1668 Alga Rhodophyta Peyssonnelia pink same as 0044 (to be combined with)
CDDC-1669 Alga Rhodophyta Cheilosporum reddish purple Common at 1-3m reef flat; medium texture; azooxanthellate
CDDC-1670 Alga Rhodophyta Melanmansia red/purple Common at 1-3m reef flat; medium text.; azooxanthellate; strap shaped
CDDC-1671 Alga Rhodophyta Neurymenia reddish purple Rare at 1-3m reef flat; medium texture; azooxanthellate; flattened strap shape
CDDC-1672 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa light red Common at 1-3m reef flat; hard; azooxanthellate; flattened strap shape
CDDC-1673 Alga Rhodophyta Galaxaura dark red Common at 1-3m reef flat; cylindrical branches; medium hard; azooxanthell.
CDDC-1674 Alga Rhodophyta Galaxaura dark red/purple Common at 1-3m reef flat; cylindrical branches; medium hard; azooxanthell.
CDDC-1675 Alga Rhodophyta Amansia red/purple Common at 1-3m reef flat; medium text.; azooxanthellate; same as 0063
CDDC-1676 Alga Rhodophyta Tricleocarpa pink red Common at 15-18m; medium hard; cylindrical branches
CDDC-1677 Alga Rhodophyta Ethelia dark red Abundant at 10-30m; encrusting; hard
CDDC-1678 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa light red Common at 5-10m; hard; dichotomous branching; azooxanthellate
CDDC-1679 Alga Chlorophyta Rhipilia light green Common at 10-15m reef slope; fan-shaped blades
CDDC-1680 Alga Rhodophyta Osmundea dark reddish purple Common at 10-15m reef slope; soft; flattened blades & fern like
CDDC-1681 Alga Rhodophyta Amansia dark reddish purple Common at 3-30m on reef slope; same as 0063
CDDC-1682 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa light reddish pink Common at ?m; flattened branches; med. hard
CDDC-1683 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa ? no data sheet
CDDC-1684 Alga Rhodophyta Portieria red no data sheet
CDDC-1685 Sponge Haplosclerida Haliclona light purple Rare at 23m reef slope under overhang; medium soft; plenty small oscules
CDDC-1686 Sponge bright pink Rare at 22m reef slope under overhang; medium hard; few but large osc.
CDDC-1687 Sponge Homosclerophorida Plakinastrella black outside; beige inside Common at 22m reef slope under overhang; med. hard; few large osc.
CDDC-1688 Sponge white Rare at 22m reef slope; medium hard; smells like bleach; osc. 3-5mm
CDDC-1689 Sponge Haplosclerida Siphonodictyon/Aka white Common at 20-25m reef slope; plenty thick mucus; inhalant canals (this sample) covered by maroon epiphytes
CDDC-1690 Sponge Haplosclerida Siphonodictyon/Aka white Same as 0082 but the boring, submerged part + substrate of it
CDDC-1691 Alga Rhodophyta Halichrysis maroon Common at 15-22m reef slope; medium soft; flower like on stalk
CDDC-1692 Alga Chlorophyta Valonia green Common at 16m on reef slope; bulbous
CDDC-1693 Alga Rhodophyta Neurymenia red Abundant at 12m under overhang; strap shaped & mid rib on stalk; med. Hard
CDDC-1694 Alga Chlorophyta Rhipilia green Abundant at 12-25 on reef slope; soft; on short stalk
CDDC-1695 Alga Rhodophyta Peyssonnelia maroon Common at 15-25m reef slope; fan shaped; hard; calcified
CDDC-1696 Alga Pheophyta Dictyota brown Common at 15-25m reef slope; strap shaped; soft; dichotomous branching
CDDC-1697 Alga Rhodophyta Cheilosporum pink Rare at 15-20m reef slope; strap shaped; coralline; 1-2mm long branches emerging from each cell
CDDC-1698 Alga Rhodophyta Callophycus red Rare at 20-22m reef slope Same as 0039, 0113, 0118, 0052
CDDC-1699 Alga Rhodophyta Jania brown-pink Abundant at 1-4m reef flat; med soft; epiphytic on other Algae; small tufts
CDDC-1700 Alga Rhodophyta Tricleocarpa pink-brown Common at 1-4m reef flat; med soft; dichotomous branching; cylindrical
CDDC-1701 Alga Rhodophyta Galaxaura brown Common at 1-4m reef flat; med soft; irregular branching; spongy, fuzzy clumps w. hair-like projectionsl
CDDC-1702 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa pink Common at 1-4m reef flat; hard; calcified, coralline; flattened branches
CDDC-1703 Alga Rhodophyta Polystrata dark maroon; underside beige Common at 1-4m reef flat; hard; calcified; urine odor
CDDC-1704 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa purple/ white tips Common at 1-4m reef flat; hard; heavily calcified; flattened branches
CDDC-1705 Alga Pheophyta Dictyota brown Common at 1-4m reef flat; strap shaped; soft; dichotomous branching
CDDC-1706 Alga Rhodophyta Haloplegma pink Common at 6-7m on reef flat; flattened & broad bladed; soft & spongy
CDDC-1707 Alga Rhodophyta Callophycus pinkish red Common at 1-4m reef flat; med soft; cylindrical rhizoids @ base; bushy growth, tips serrated
CDDC-1708 Sponge Calcarea Leucetta yellow Abundant at 10-20m reef slope; typical calcareous balls; big osc.
CDDC-1709 Sponge brown/ orange inside Rare at 20m reef slope at wall; medium hard & leathery; crumbly texture
CDDC-1710 Sponge Hadromerida all white Rare at 20m reef slope; medium hard; prominent oscules
CDDC-1711 Alga Rhodophyta Litophyllum pink Common at 1-15m reef flat/slope; encrusting; v. hard; irreg. branching
CDDC-1712 Alga Rhodophyta Neogoniolithon pink Rare at 15m on reef slope; v. hard; clubshaped knobsirreg. branching
CDDC-1713 Alga Rhodophyta Gibsmithia red Rare at 10-20m reef slope; soft; hair like projections; gooey; =0120?
CDDC-1714 Sponge grey Common at 10-15m reef slope; encrusting on corals; leathery
CDDC-1715 Alga Chlorophyta Dictyosphaeria green Abundant at 5-20m reef slope; med hard; flattened discs
CDDC-1716 Alga Rhodophyta Polystrata maroon Common at 20m reef slope in cave; fan shaped; medium hard; sheets
CDDC-1717 Alga Chlorophyta Caulerpa green Common at 12m reef slope; medium hard; club shaped branchlets
CDDC-1718 Alga Chlorophyta Rhipilia green Common at 15-30m reef slope; soft; tufts connected by rhizoids
CDDC-1719 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa pink Abundant at 5-10m reef slope; med hard, calcified;
CDDC-1720 Alga Rhodophyta Callophycus red Rare12m reef slope; med soft Same as 0039, 0052, 0118, 0091
CDDC-1721 Alga Chlorophyta Valonia green Rare at 15?m; med soft; bulbous
CDDC-1722 Alga Rhodophyta Gelidiella dark red Rare at 15m reef slope on rubble; stiff, brittle & med hard; little branching
CDDC-1723 Alga Chlorophyta Tydemania green Abundant at 10-20m reef slope; typical pompoms
CDDC-1724 Alga Rhodophyta Halichrysis mottled red Rare at 23m reef slope; medium soft; widely branched; looks like flower
CDDC-1725 Alga Rhodophyta Callophycus red Rare15m reef slope; med soft Same as 0039, 0052, 0113, 0091
CDDC-1726 Sponge all white Rare at 60m; lobate; soft; prominent oscules
CDDC-1727 Alga Rhodophyta Gibsmithia red Rare at 10-23m reef slope on rubble; soft & slimey; wide lobes
CDDC-1728 Sponge Astrophorida blue; cream inside Rare at 30m reef slope; med hard; niphates texture
CDDC-1729 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Dendronephthya dark brown; yellow inside Abundant at 20m; soft; prominent spicules
CDDC-1730 Alga Rhodophyta Peyssonnelia maroon Rare at 20m reef slope; hard; lobular
CDDC-1731 Sponge orange Common at 15-25m reef slope; medium hard; lobe-growth; crumbly
CDDC-1732 Sponge Verongida Pseudoceratina brown-purple-blue yellow inside Common at 15-25m reef slope; soft; gooey; on stalk
CDDC-1733 Sponge Verongida Pseudoceratina Cl orange; turned black in air Common at 15-25m reef slope; medium texture; lobular
CDDC-1734 Cyanobacteria Lyngbya brown-orange Common at 15-20m reef slope on coral and rubble; soft; hair-like
CDDC-1735 Cyanobacteria Lyngbya maroon Common at 15-20m reef slope on coral and rubble; soft; hair-like
CDDC-1736 Sponge orange Common at 10m reef slope; hard; creeping; many prominent 1-3mm osc.
CDDC-1737 Sponge Haplosclerida Niphates green Rare at 10m reef slope in cave; soft & squishy; plenty 2-4mm oscules
CDDC-1738 Sponge pinkish lavender; white inside Abundant at 10m reef slope under overhang; hard texture; few 1-3mm osc
CDDC-1739 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa pink-lavender Common at 7-12m reef slope; flattened & hard; calcified; prob same as 0161
CDDC-1740 Alga Chlorophyta Avrainvillea green Rare at 10-15m reef slope; fan-shaped & stalked; med soft; spongy texture
CDDC-1741 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa lavender-pink Common at 7-9m; coralline, hard; irregular branched; bit flattened
CDDC-1742 Alga Rhodophyta Cheilosporum pink-lavender Common at 8-13m reef slope; fern like; coralline, med hard; feathery 0.5-2mm branchlets; mostly dichot. branching
CDDC-1743 Alga Rhodophyta Eupyilota brown-pink-red Common at 7-12m reef slope; feathery with branchlets 1-4mm long; soft; prob same as 0012
CDDC-1744 Alga Chlorophyta Halimeda green Abundant at 10m reef slope; flattened; med text.; ear shaped lobes 5-10mm
CDDC-1745 Alga Rhodophyta Peyssonnelia dark pink Common at 7-14m reef slope; hard; flattened & decumbent; lobes 4-8cm
CDDC-1746 Alga Rhodophyta Peyssonnelia dark pink/lavender Common at 15m reef slope; v. hard; flattened & decumbent;similar 0138
CDDC-1747 Alga Rhodophyta Mesophyllum lavender-pink Rare at 10m reef slope under overhangs; hard, calcified & brittle; lobes 1-4cm wide; same as 0157?
CDDC-1748 Sponge yellow/rose patches Rare at 20m reef slope in cave; med soft & spongy; flattened; encrusting
CDDC-1749 Sponge Halichondrida Halichondria peach outside; beige-yellow inside Rare at 15m reef slope in cave; thick colorless mucus; crumbly; med hard
CDDC-1750 Sponge Poecilosclerida Biemna Brown, yellow flecks outside; yellow-orange inside Common at 10m reef slope; soft; thick encrusting; lots of thick cl? mucus; itchy; small oscules
CDDC-1751 Sponge Haplosclerida Niphates green Common at 22m reef slope; soft; upright, branched & spongy; plenty 3mm osc.
CDDC-1752 Alga Chlorophyta Rhipilia green Common at 5-20m reef slope; soft; on stalk & planar; hair like filaments
CDDC-1753 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa Rhodophy orangy-pink-red Rare at 15m reef slope; med hard; coralline & calcified; branched
CDDC-1754 Alga Pheophyta Dictyota brown Common at 20-22m reef slope; med soft; flattened; same as 0162?
CDDC-1755 Alga Rhodophyta Peyssonnelia maroon Common at 10-20m reef slope; med hard; wide lobes; pliable
CDDC-1756 Alga Rhodophyta Peyssonnelia maroon Common; med hard; lobe shaped
CDDC-1757 Sponge Poecilosclerida Coelocarteria orange Common at 10m inside cave; med soft; boring w. 1cm wide 3-5cm long and branched chimneys
CDDC-1758 Sponge Spirophorida Cinachyra(ella) bright pink Rare at 13m reef slope underside of overhang; med soft; round; 1cm osc
CDDC-1759 Sponge Halichondrida Spongosorites/Topsentia all white Rare at 12m reef slope in cave; med hard; osc. 7-20mm and far apart
CDDC-1760 Bryozoa Cheilostomata/Phidoloporidae Reteporellina peach Common at 10-15m reef slope; hard; branches interconnect; feathery
CDDC-1761 Alga Chlorophyta Avrainvillea green Common at 10-20 reef slope; stalked, fan-shaped; soft; same as 0133?
CDDC-1762 Alga Rhodophyta Phacelocarpus red Rare at 20m reef slope; medium hard; flattened, mid-rib & strap shaped; heavily epiphytized
CDDC-1763 Alga Rhodophyta Peyssonnelia maroon Common at 13m reef slope; hard & calcified; pliable; encrusting
CDDC-1764 Alga Rhodophyta Mesophyllum pink Common at 10-15m reef slope; flattened, encrusting; same as 0140?
CDDC-1765 Alga Rhodophyta Halichrysis red Rare at 8-15m reef slope; med hard; same as 0084
CDDC-1766 Alga Rhodophyta Halimenia maroon Rare at 20m reef slope; strap shaped; med soft; same as 0022?
CDDC-1767 Alga Rhodophyta Plocamium pink-red Rare at 15m reef slope under overhang; soft & feathery; finely, irreg. branched
CDDC-1768 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa lavender-pink Common at 10m reef slope; med hard; coralline; same as 0132?
CDDC-1769 Alga Pheophyta Dictyota brown Common at 10-20m reef slope; Same as 0147
CDDC-1770 Alga Rhodophyta Litophyllum lavender-pink Common at 10m reef flat; coralline & v. hard; irreg. branching
CDDC-1771 Sponge all beige brown Rare at 12-15m reef flat; soft, spongy; ropes; plenty small oscules
CDDC-1772 Cnidaria Hydroid brown stalk/ yellow feathers Common at 14m reef flat; thin medium mucus; 10cm stalk
CDDC-1773 Alga Chlorophyta Caulerpa grass-green Rare at 15m reef flat; med soft; flattened; blades w. small serrations
CDDC-1774 Sponge orange Rare at 10m reef flat; v. soft; wrinkly texture; plenty 1-2mm oscules
CDDC-1775 Sponge pale orange/yellow Rare at 10m reef flat under overhang; soft & spongy; 5mm osc. on top
CDDC-1776 Alga Chlorophyta Bornetella grass-green Abundant at 0m reef flat; med soft; lobular; droplet shaped
CDDC-1777 Alga Rhodophyta Liagora pink-beige Common at 0m reef flat; med soft; bit slimy; noodle texture; 5-8cm high
CDDC-1778 Alga Rhodophyta Callophycus rose-red Common at 2m reef flat under ledges; med soft; flattened & mid-rib
CDDC-1779 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa purple Abundant at 1-4m reef flat; med hard; dichotomous branching; flattened
CDDC-1780 Alga Rhodophyta Carpopeltis dark red Rare at 8m reef flat; tough; heavily epiphytized; bushy growth
CDDC-1781 Alga Rhodophyta Galaxaura dark red Common at 1-3m reef flat; med hard; branched; heavily epiphtized
CDDC-1782 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa red Rare at 1-3m reef flat; medium hard; same as 0146 (descript.)
CDDC-1783 Alga Rhodophyta Tricleocarpa pink-beige-orange Abundant at 0-1m reef flat; teret; med hard; cylindrical
CDDC-1784 Alga Rhodophyta Hydrolithon lavender-pink Common at 1-4m reef flat; encrusting; v. hard & coralline; raised w. ridges
CDDC-1785 Alga Chlorophyta Cladophora grass-green Abundant at 0m reef flat; soft; fuzzy; up to 10cm high, branches 5mm wide
CDDC-1786 Alga Chlorophyta Enteromorpha green Rare at 0m reef flat; soft; thin tubes; no branches
CDDC-1787 Mollusc Naticidae Polinices mottled gray Abundant at 0m mud flat; med hard; "moon snail"
CDDC-1788 Sipuncula Sipunculidae Siphonosoma yellow Common at 0m mud flat; soft; thin lines running down length of body
CDDC-1789 Ascidian Ophichtidae Snake eel red Common at 0m mud flat; med hard; very avtive; caudal fin not obvious
CDDC-1790 Ascidian Ophichtidae Snake eel red-brown Common at 0m mud flat; med hard; caudal fin obvious; branchial cavity
CDDC-1791 Hemichordata Acorn worm Balanglossus light yellow Common at 0m mud flat; thin mucus; soft; bromine odor
CDDC-1792 Annelida Capitellidae dark red Common at 0m mud flat; soft; few hairs; earthworm like
CDDC-1793 Alga Rhodophyta Peyssonnelia dark maroon Common at 10-25m reef slope; flattened, broad bladed, fan-shaped; encrusting & a bit brittle
CDDC-1794 Cnidaria Hydroid light yellow Common at 10-17m reef slope; mid-rib; flattened; fern-like & feathery; stalked; low mucus; alternate branching
CDDC-1795 Alga Rhodophyta Mesophyllum reddish pink Common at 10-25m reef slope; flattened; encrusting & v. hard;
CDDC-1796 Cnidaria Hydroid Distichopora dark purple/pink; white inside LACE coral; Common at 5-17m reef slope?; hard; fan-shape
CDDC-1797 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa chalky pink Common at 5-8m reef slope?; teret
CDDC-1798 Alga Chlorophyta Avrainvillea dark green Rare at 20m; flattened, broad bladed & fan-shaped; delicate
CDDC-1799 Alga Rhodophyta Phacelocarpus maroon Common at 10-24m reef slope; flattened, mid rib & strap shaped; epibiont cover 50%
CDDC-1800 Cnidaria Stylasteridae Distichopora light pink LACE coral; Common at 5-17m reef slope?; hard; fan-shape (=0189?)
CDDC-1801 Alga Rhodophyta Portieria brick red Common at 4-20m reef slope; med soft; alternate branching .
CDDC-1802 Alga Rhodophyta Tricleocarpa light pink Common at 7-10m; teret; calcified & hard; coralline
CDDC-1803 Alga Rhodophyta Plocamium brick red Abundant at 5-15m reef slope; soft; flattened, mid-rib & feathery
CDDC-1804 Alga Rhodophyta Peyssonnelia mottled grey/red/purple Common at 8-20m reef slope; med hard; flattened, decumbent, broad bladed & fan-shaped; encrusting
CDDC-1805 Alga Rhodophyta Mesophyllum dark orange/purple/red Common at 8-20m reef slope; med hard; flattened, decumbent, broad bladed; encrusting
CDDC-1806 Alga Rhodophyta Mesophyllum red Common at 8-20m reef slope; thin, low mucus; v. hard; flattened, decumbent, broad bladed & fan-shaped; encrusting
CDDC-1807 Mollusc Mottled green/grey Recollect of 0003
CDDC-1808 Gastropod Flecked gray Common at 0m on mud flat; soft; delicate; poss. Recollect of 0002
CDDC-1809 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa Light purplish red Common at 7-16m; hard; teret
CDDC-1810 Alga Rhodophyta Botryocladia red At 20m; balloons
CDDC-1811 Alga Chlorophyta Avrainvillea soft green Rare at 6-17m; fan shaped; zonate pattern on blades
CDDC-1812 Alga Rhodophyta Portieria red Common at 10m; small & crispy; 2-25% epibiont
CDDC-1813 Alga Rhodophyta Neurymenia red Common at 15-33m; dentate edges; 26-50% epibiont
CDDC-1814 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa purple At 7-10m; 10cm tall; fragile; dichotomous
CDDC-1815 Alga Rhodophyta Peyssonnelia maroon Common at 10-33m; flattened, decum-bent & broad bladed; 2-25% epibionts
CDDC-1816 Alga Chlorophyta Valonia green Rare at 10m; balloons
CDDC-1817 Alga Chlorophyta Tydemania green Rare at 20-30m on reef slope; puffs of swirls; 2-25% epibionts
CDDC-1818 Alga Chlorophyta Avrainvillea green Rare at 10-30m u. overhangs; soft; flattened & broad bladed; 2cm tall
CDDC-1819 Alga Rhodophyta Peyssonnelia purple-pink Common at 10-15m u. overhangs; white edges; plate like & coralline
CDDC-1820 Alga Rhodophyta Corynocystis purple/maroon Rare at 10-30m above overhangs; sparcely branched
CDDC-1821 Alga Rhodophyta Peyssonnelia purple/maroon Abundant at 8-15m; Peysonellia like; growing in raised edges
CDDC-1822 Alga Rhodophyta Pterocladiell purple/red Abundant at 5-10m in channel; feather like from main axis
CDDC-1823 Alga Rhodophyta Neurymenia purple-pink Common at 10-30m on walls; blades upright; midrib; edges dentate
CDDC-1824 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Stephanogorgia light yellow Common at 10-17m on reef slope under overhangs; flattened, broad bladed & fan shaped; delicate; one plane
CDDC-1825 Alga Chlorophyta Caulerpa green Rare at 4m in rubble
CDDC-1826 Cyanobacteria purple-brown Common at 20-35m on reef slope
CDDC-1827 Alga Chlorophyta Avrainvillea dark green Abundant at 4-35m; soft; flattened & fan shaped; broad bladed
CDDC-1828 Alga Chlorophyta Chlorodesmis green Common at 3-5m reef slope; exposed; soft and wavy
CDDC-1829 Alga Rhodophyta Gibsmithia Translucent red Rare at 35m on reef slope; thin mucus; gooey; soft
CDDC-1830 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sarcophyton white/yellow yellow inside . Common at 6m; exposed on reef slope; exposed; soft & fleshy; thick mucus; zooxanthellate; state of fission
CDDC-1831 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Echinogorgia red Rare at 12m reef slope; hard; fan-shaped;
CDDC-1832 Sponge dictyonellidae Acanthella all orange Common at 8-12m reef slope; med soft; compressible; osc (3-10mm) all over
CDDC-1833 Sponge Axinellidae Axinella all orange Common at 12m reef slope; medium soft; bushy, upright appearance
CDDC-1834 Sponge Halichondriidae whitish brown Rare at 16m reef slope; med soft; plenty v. small oscules
CDDC-1835 Sponge Ancorinidae Jaspis all white Rare at 10m reef slope with 26-50% epibiont cover;
CDDC-1836 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Dendronephthya orange; white inside Rare at 13m reef slope under overhang; exposed; med soft; spikey
CDDC-1837 Sponge Halichondriidae Stylissa all orange Common at 5m reef flat; exposed; soft & massive; poss. 0243
CDDC-1838 Sponge Verongida Pseudoceratina all brownish-black Abundant at 5-16m reef slope; exposed; low odor; thinly encrusting on coral
CDDC-1839 Sponge Poecilosclerida Coelocarteria mottled yellow; light yellow inside . Common at 12m reef slope; part exposed & boring into substrate; med hard; 51-75% epibiont cover
CDDC-1840 Cnidaria Hydroid green Abundant at 5-8m reef slope; med hard & feathery, stalked & mid-rib; hooked up on base (Sponge?) on coral
CDDC-1841 Sponge Dictyoceratida Dysidea purple/white outside; white inside Abundant at 10m between rocks, sand flat; med hard; compact growth form w. plenty big oscules
CDDC-1842 Sponge Dictyoceratida all brown Rare at 12m on reef slope outside lagoon; thin brown mucus
CDDC-1843 Cnidaria Xeniidae Xenia? bluish-white white inside Abundant at 10-15m reef slope; thin mucus; exposed; v. soft & fragile; bushy
CDDC-1844 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sarcophyton mottled brown Common at 12m reef slope; thin mucus; stalked, fleshy & soft; zooxanthellate
CDDC-1845 Sponge Thorectidae Fascaplysinopsis dark brown; light brown inside Common at 10m reef slope; part exposed; med hard; thin ectosome
CDDC-1846 Echinodermata Crinoid green Common at 10-15m on reef slope; exposed; med hard & brittle; feathery; black Sponge epibiont
CDDC-1847 Sponge Calcarea Leucetta yellow/grey Abundant at 10-15m reef slope; med hard and not round (like Chagosensis)
CDDC-1848 Sponge Halichondrida? all brown Rare at 15m in crevice reef slope; brown slimey, sticky secr. during processing
CDDC-1849 Cyanophyte brown/white Abundant at 5m sand flat; exposed & v. soft; covering Halimeda on coral rock
CDDC-1850 Sponge Halichondriidae Stylissa all orange Common at 5m reef flat; exposed; soft & massive; plenty 2mm osc.; poss. 0230
CDDC-1851 Sponge Thorectidae Phyllospongia brown Abundant at 5m sand flat; exposed & med. soft; leafy; signs of predation on larger specimens; short stalk
CDDC-1852 Alga Chlorophyta Dictyosphaeria all green Abundant & exposed at 2-5m reef flat; med hard 0.5-2cm buttons; could be green Alga
CDDC-1853 Sponge Verongida Pseudoceratina yellow; turned black outs. water Abundant at 0-5m reef flat; med hard; exposed; purplish secr.
CDDC-1854 Sponge Haplosclerida Cribrochalina redbrown; white inside Common at 12m reef slope; exposed & a bit encrusting; thick sheet
CDDC-1855 Sponge Halichondrida all white Rare at 15m reef slope in crevice; med hard; low odor; azooxanthellate; 2mm oscules
CDDC-1856 Sponge Halichondriidae Brownorange; red-yellow inside Common at 10m reef slope; med soft; red brown secr.; odor: treebark
CDDC-1857 Cnidaria Zoanthida Palythoa grey Abundant at 5-16m reef slope; thick encrusting on coral; hard; exposed
CDDC-1858 Sponge Verongida Suberea grey Common at 10-15m reef slope; med hard; stalked?; exposed
CDDC-1859 Sponge Verongida Luffariella yellow; turned black in freezer Common at 12m reef slope; med soft; low odor; v. porous; plenty big osc.
CDDC-1860 Sponge Dendroceratida black; yellow inside Rare at 10-15m reef slope; med soft; sticky secr.
CDDC-1861 Sponge Verongida Pseudoceratina yellow; turned yellow/black outside water Common at 5-16m reef slope; slippery texture; exposed
CDDC-1862 Sponge Dictyoceratida Dysidea pink Rare at 20m reef slope; med hard; rosate growth; same as 0381?
CDDC-1863 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia brown Common at 10m reef slope; exposed; thin mucus; med hard
CDDC-1864 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Cladiella mottled white Common at 10m reef slope; med hard; low odor;
CDDC-1865 Sponge Haplosclerida Aka all white Common at 12m inside coral rock sand flat; thin mucus; med hard; no osc as in "usual" Aka; no! epibionts
CDDC-1866 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia brown; white inside Rare at 10m on coral head on sand flat; med hard & 5cm thick encrusting; thick mucus & v. pungent
CDDC-1867 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia? brown; white inside . Common at 10m; stalked & tree shape; thin mucus; pungent odor; med hard
CDDC-1868 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia brown; white inside Abundant at 15m; all encrusting on one rock on sand flat; thin mucus
CDDC-1869 Sponge Agelasida Astrosclera orange w. astro- rhizal processes Rare at 10m in an arc/cave environment together w. 0263; stoney hard; 2cm
CDDC-1870 Sponge Calcarea white; yellow after freezing Common at 10m reef slope; protected; med hard; togther w. 0262
CDDC-1871 Alga Chlorophyta Tydemania green Abundant at 10m reef slope; 2-25% epibiont cover
CDDC-1872 Alga Chlorophyta Udotea light green/grey Rare at 10-12m reef slope; flattened, stalked & broad bladed; 6cm tall
CDDC-1873 Ascidian bright blue; mottled grey outside Rare at 10-15m reef slope; flattened, decumbent & encrusting; soft
CDDC-1874 Alga Chlorophyta Avrainvillea? green Rare at 12m reef slope; stalked; soft; dense taft filaments on top
CDDC-1875 Alga Chlorophyta Caulerpa green Rare at 10-12m reef slope; 2-25% epibiont; upright runners 6cm
CDDC-1876 Alga Chlorophyta Udotea green/white Rare at 12m reef slope; stalked; large; 26-50% epibiont; flattened; fan-shaped
CDDC-1877 Alga Chlorophyta Halimeda light green Common at 3-10m reef slope; med hard & 20cm tall; turbid shallow reef
CDDC-1878 Alga Chlorophyta Halimeda green Common at 3-10m reef slope; 7cm tall; turbid shallow reef
CDDC-1879 Echinodermata Crinoid Comaster orange mid veins black side branch Common at 17m reef slope; med hard & brittle; feathery
CDDC-1880 Echinodermata Crinoid Comaster all black Common at 17m reef slope; med hard & brittle; feathery
CDDC-1881 Echinodermata Crinoid Comaster orange mid veins black side branch Common at 17m reef slope; med hard & brittle; feathery; prob. 0272?
CDDC-1882 Echinodermata Crinoid all yellow Common at 17m reef slope; med hard & brittle; feathery;
CDDC-1883 Echinodermata Crinoid all black Common at 17m reef slope; med hard & brittle; feathery
CDDC-1885 Echinodermata Crinoid Lamprometra purple & white banded arms Rare at 3m reef slope; feathery; brittle
CDDC-1886 Echinodermata Crinoid all black Common at 17m reef slope; med hard & brittle; feathery
CDDC-1887 Alga Rhodophyta Actinotricia red/purple/white Rare at 13m reef slope; calcified hard w. 2-25% epibiont; upright
CDDC-1888 Cnidaria Anthothelidae purple/yellow Rare at 15m reef slope; branched in one plane
CDDC-1889 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa purple Rare at 3m reef slope; hard; main axis 1-3mm
CDDC-1890 Cyanophyte black Abundant at 3-15m reef slope; soft; overgrowing gorgonians
CDDC-1891 Bryozoan white-yellow Rare at 10m reef slope; soft; beneath a coral arch; very fine
CDDC-1892 Alga Chlorophyta Valonia light green Rare at 10-15m reef slope; 2-25% epibionts; balloon shape
CDDC-1893 Echinodermata Crinoid black; white edges Common at 17m reef slope; feathery
CDDC-1894 Alga Rhodophyta Galaxaura red Rare at 7m reef slope; 2-25% epibiont; flattened, stalked & strap shaped
CDDC-1895 Echinodermata Crinoid brown Rare at 5-15m on reef slope; lots of thick mucus; 2-25% epibiont
CDDC-1896 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Chironephthya orange; red polyps Rare at 20m reef slope
CDDC-1897 Sponge Thorectidae black; grey inside Rare at 10m reef slope; med hard
CDDC-1898 Cnidaria Scleractinia Tubastrea orange Abundant at 5m under overhangs; very hard
CDDC-1899 Sponge Astrophorida Rhabdastrella dark brown; yellow inside Rare at 7m reef slope; med soft; compressible
CDDC-1900 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Lobophytum mottled yellow; grey now Abundant at 3m reef slope; med soft;
CDDC-1901 Sponge Astrophorida Geodia brown Rare at 5-8m reef slope; encrusting thin sheet
CDDC-1902 Sponge Hadromerida brownish-yellow Rare at 5m; encrusting/boring on coral
CDDC-1903 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Xenia greyish brown; white stalk Rare at 5m; soft; mucousy
CDDC-1904 Sponge Haplosclerida Haliclona white/yellow Common at 10-20m reef slope; soft; underside of overhangs; vine like growth
CDDC-1905 Alga Rhodophyta Peyssonnelia bright maroon/orange Rare at 45m reef slope; hard, calcified crust; raised edges
CDDC-1906 Cnidaria Hydroid brown-green Rare at 15m reef slope; stalked & feathery; alternate branching; thick mucus; 2-25% epibiont
CDDC-1907 Alga Chlorophyta green Abundant at 10-30m reef slope; stalked w. runners
CDDC-1908 Alga Rhodophyta Rhipilia maroon Rare at 4-30m reef slope; strap shaped; 2-25% epibiont; in back of caves
CDDC-1909 Sponge Hadromerida Stylocordia? brown orange; orang inside Rare at 15m reef slope; very porous; just compressible; under overhangs; oscules 5mm
CDDC-1910 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Dendronephthya dark purple Rare at 12-15m reef slope; spikey
CDDC-1911 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia light brown Common at 10-12m reef slope; stalked & cauliflower shape; thin mucus
CDDC-1912 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Rumphella greyish brown Rare at 13m reef slope; hard; barnacle symbiont; 1m tall
CDDC-1913 Sponge Petrosiidae Xestospongia blackish brown; mottled grey ins. Rare at 15m reef slope; med hard; 2-25% epibiont; under overhang
CDDC-1914 Sponge Halichondrida Axynissa? light brown Common at 15m reef slope; v. porous; under overhang; osc. 5-15mm
CDDC-1915 Alga Rhodophyta Peyssonnelia mottled purple/red Rare at 20m reef slope; flattened, broad bladed & encrusting w. 50% epibiont
CDDC-1916 Alga Rhodophyta Tricleocarpa light red Rare at 10-20m reef slope; irregular dichotomous branching
CDDC-1917 Alga Rhodophyta Galaxaura purplish red Common at 10-20m reef slope; dichotomous; under overhangs
CDDC-1918 Alga Rhodophyta Mesophyllum red/brown/orange Rare at 20m reef slope; flattened, fan-shaped & hard encrusting;
CDDC-1919 Alga Chlorophyta Udotea green Rare at 10-13m reef slope; med hard;
CDDC-1920 Alga Chlorophyta Codium green Rare at 10-20m reef slope at reef base; dichotomous branching
CDDC-1921 Alga Chlorophyta Udotea green Rare at 10-13m reef slope; med hard; fan-shaped & stalked;same as 0312?
CDDC-1922 Alga Rhodophyta Ethelia brown-red Rare at 7-10m; broad bladed & encrusting at base; easy to pull off
CDDC-1923 Alga Rhodophyta Peyssonnelia purplish red Rare at 20m reef slope on wall; flattened, fan-shaped, decumbent & encrusting; med soft; raised edges
CDDC-1924 Alga Rhodophyta Peyssonnelia roseate Rare at 23m reef slope; flattened, broad bladed & fan-shaped w. 50% epibiont; a bit calcified
CDDC-1925 Alga Rhodophyta Mesophyllum purplish red Common at 12-20m reef slope; fan-shaped, flattened, & hard encrusting;
CDDC-1926 Alga Rhodophyta Mesophyllum purplish red/ orange Like 318 but a bit more orange
CDDC-1927 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa pink Rare at 7m reef slope; irregular branching
CDDC-1928 Alga Chlorophyta Caulerpa green Abundant at 10m reef slope; soft; teret
CDDC-1929 Alga Rhodophyta Peyssonnelia orangy red Rare at 20m reef slope; flattened, fan-shaped & encrusting; med hard
CDDC-1930 Alga Rhodophyta Peyssonnelia maroon Couls be same as 0322
CDDC-1931 Alga Rhodophyta Dudresnaya red Rare at 15m reef slope; plenty thin mucus; soft; slippery
CDDC-1932 Sponge Petrosina mottled orangy-white; orange ins. Rare at 10-20m reef slope; soft; fragile; under overhang
CDDC-1933 Sponge Calcarea Leucetta yellow; light yellow ins. Abundant at 10-20m reef slope; hard
CDDC-1934 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Alertigorgia red orange; white polyps Common at 15m reef slope
CDDC-1935 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Siphonogorgia purplish-brown; yellow polyps Rare at 20m reef slope;
CDDC-1936 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Ellisella/Viminella red Common in one place at 17m under overhang; med hard
CDDC-1937 Sponge Dictyoceratida brownish grey; grey inside Rare at 10m reef slope; med hard; mushroom shaped
CDDC-1938 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Astrogorgia orange-red Rare at 20m; hard; branching in one plane
CDDC-1939 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Junceella orange Rare at 20m under overhang; med hard
CDDC-1940 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Xenia white/blue under water; grey above Rare at 12m reef slope; thick mucus; soft & delicate; wavy, small
CDDC-1941 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Rumphella lightbrown under water; darkbrown above Abundant at 5-20m reef slope; med hard
CDDC-1942 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Melithea orangered Common at 8-11m reef slope; hard nodes on branches; in surge channel
CDDC-1943 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Subergorgia orange Rare at 8m reef slope; med soft; in surge channel
CDDC-1945 Alga Rhodophyta Gibsmithia red Rare at 15m reef slope; thin mucus
CDDC-1946 Alga Rhodophyta Dudresnaya red Rare at 15m reef slope; slimey; soft
CDDC-1947 Alga Rhodophyta Dudresnaya red Rare at 15m reef slope; v.slippery; soft
CDDC-1948 Alga Rhodophyta Acrosymphyton red Rare at 15m reef slope; thin mucus; soft; voucher disintegrated
CDDC-1949 Sponge all black/grey Rare at 12m reef slope; encrust.& soft; underside of overhang; same as 0277!
CDDC-1950 Alga Chlorophyta Rhipilia all geen Abundant at 6-20m reef slope; stalked w. rhizomes;soft
CDDC-1951 Cnidaria Hydroid black axis; yellow branches Rare at 35m reef slope; black main axis; med hard; 2-25% epibiont
CDDC-1952 Cnidaria Hydroid black Common at 30m reef slope; thick mucus; one plane; Sponge at base
CDDC-1953 Cnidaria Hydroid white Common at 10-20m reef slope; feathery; thick mucus; Sponge at base
CDDC-1954 Cnidaria Hydroid yellow/brown Rare at 10-15m reef slope; feathery; thick mucus; 10-12cm tall
CDDC-1955 Cnidaria Hydroid yellow Rare at 8-12m reef slope; thick mucus; zig zag axis; one plane
CDDC-1956 Alga Rhodophyta Peyssonnelia purple/red Common at 1m reef slope; hard & encrusting; flattened & fan-shaped
CDDC-1957 Alga Chlorophyta Caulerpa green Common at 4m reef slope; soft w. large, mushroom shaped balls
CDDC-1958 Cnidaria Ceriantipatharia Antipathes black Rare at 15m reef slope; fan-shaped; med hard
CDDC-1959 Sponge Poecilosclerida Biemna brown; lightbrown inside Rare at 11m reef slope; soft; plenty thick mucus; blob; oscules 1cm
CDDC-1960 Sponge Thorectidae Petrosaspongia? dark brown; yellow/tan inside Abundant at 5-15m reef slope; hard & just compressible; v. porous; conulose; plenty 5mm oscules
CDDC-1961 Alga Chlorophyta Dictyosphaeria green Abundant at 10-20m reef slope; encrusting & med hard
CDDC-1962 Sponge Thorectidae Fascaplysinopsis dark brown; light brown inside Abundant at 10-15m reef slope; hard & v. conulose & porous; osc 2-3mm
CDDC-1963 Sponge Poecilosclerida Diacarnus brown; beige inside Common at 15-30m reef slope; med soft; thin mucus; conulose; one very large oscule
CDDC-1964 Sponge Verongida yellowish brown; changed to black Abundant at 10-15m reef slope; med texture; bumpy surface
CDDC-1965 Sponge Halichondrida all orange Rare at 15m reef slope; soft & thinly encrusting sheet of 20x30cm; few oscules of 7?mm
CDDC-1966 Alga Chlorophyta Caulerpa green Common at 32m reef slope; soft w. smaller, mushroom shaped balls
CDDC-1967 Alga Chlorophyta Udotea light green Rare at 3-15m reef slope; flattened, broad bladed, stalked & fan-shaped
CDDC-1968 Alga Rhodophyta Porolithon pink Common at 2-10m reef slope; hard; irregular branching
CDDC-1969 Cyanobacteria dark purple Common on reef slope; soft
CDDC-1970 Cyanobacteria purple Common at 20m reef slope; filamentous; growing upright
CDDC-1971 Alga Chlorophyta Microdictyon green Common at 0.5-2m reef flat; med texture; 2-25% epibiont
CDDC-1972 Alga Chlorophyta Caulerpa green Abundant at 0.5-1m reef flat; 2-25% epibiont
CDDC-1973 Alga Rhodophyta Laurencia flecked red/purple white Abundant at 1-3m reef flat; branching in 3D; calcified; 10-12cm tall
CDDC-1974 Cnidaria Hydroid brownish-red Rare at 20m reef slope; fern-like & feathery; alternate branching
CDDC-1975 Alga Chlorophyta Avrainvillea green Common at 20-35m on reef slope; broad-bladed, stalked & fan-shaped w. 26-50% epibiont
CDDC-1976 Alga Chlorophyta Dictyospheria green Abundant at 0.5-2m reef flat; encrusting; med hard;
CDDC-1977 Alga Chlorophyta Caulerpa green Abundant at 3-15m reef slope; with star shaped balls
CDDC-1978 Alga Rhodophyta Actinotricia red Rare at 5-10m reef slope; calcified; 3D branching
CDDC-1979 Alga Rhodophyta Asparagopsis greyish maroon Abundant at 1-3m in rubble; soft
CDDC-1980 Alga Rhodophyta Liagora mottled pink/grey Common at 2m in rubble; strong odor; 2-25% epibiont; calcified
CDDC-1981 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa purple/white Common at 2m in rubble; hard; 2-25% epibiont; 12-`5cm tall & broad
CDDC-1982 Sponge Dendroceratida Aplysilla? green Common at 10-15m reef slope; spongy texture; plenty 5mm oscules
CDDC-1983 Sponge Dictyoceratida? dark brown; yellow inside Rare at 8m reef slope; sticky mucus; hard; boring into substrate; 3-10mm volcano shaped oscules
CDDC-1984 Sponge Verongida orange; change to orange/black out water Rare at 12m reef slope; hard; not compressible
CDDC-1985 Ascidian all grey Rare at 12m reef slope; leathery; 2-25% epibiont; difficult to peel from substrate
CDDC-1986 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Xenia tan; lighter inside Common at 20m; same 296? No sclerites
CDDC-1987 Sponge Dictyoceratida Dysidea grey Abundant at 5-10m; soft & lamellate; thick encrusting on substrate
CDDC-1988 Sponge Dictyoceratida Dysidea pinkish grey; green layer in extract Abundant at 15m reef slope; med hard rosate; lines radiating from center; same as 0255?; clorococcus?
CDDC-1989 Alga Rhodophyta Jania red/white Common at 2m; 2-25% epibiont; delicate
CDDC-1990 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Dendronephthya orange; white inside Rare at 15m reef slope; med soft
CDDC-1991 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Dendronephthya purple Common at 10-15m reef slope; med soft
CDDC-1992 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Dendronephthya orange/purple; white inside Rare at 10m reef slope; med soft
CDDC-1993 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Siphonogorgia orange/purple; orange inside Rare at 15m reef slope; hard; Gorgonian like; one plane
CDDC-1994 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Menella black Rare at 12-27m reef slope; med hard; irregular branching
CDDC-1995 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Siphonogorgia brown/red; orange polyps Rare at 15m reef slope; fan-shaped; med hard; =328?
CDDC-1996 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Chironephthya all orange Rare at 12m reef slope; med soft; =289
CDDC-1997 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Stereonephthya grey; white inside Common at 10-15m reef slope; med hard; Sinularia feel
CDDC-1998 Sponge Dictyoceratida all green Common at 5-15m reef slope; soft & spongy; plenty oscules 3mm
CDDC-1999 Sponge Poecilosclerida Coelocarteria all orange Rare at 5-15m reef slope; med soft; 2-25% epibionts
CDDC-2000 Sponge Dictyoceratida light purple/white Rare at 5-15m reef slope; soft; large oscules 20mm
CDDC-2001 Sponge Dictyoceratida Dysidea purple/white Common at 10m reef slope; could be recollect of 0234
CDDC-2002 Sponge purple/white Rare at 5m reef slope; sticky mucus; underside of coral rubble when flipped over
CDDC-2003 Alga Rhodophyta Halymenia mottled maroon/white Rare at 20m reff slope; thin mucus; flattened, broad bladed & stalked
CDDC-2004 Alga/Sponge mix pink/grey Rare at 20m reef slope; med soft; flattened
CDDC-2005 Alga Chlorophyta Avrainvillea green Rare at 17m reef slope; stalked; soft
CDDC-2006 Alga Chlorophyta Microdictyon green Common at 33m reef slope; flattened, broad bladed & soft
CDDC-2007 Alga Chlorophyta Microdictyon green Common at 0-1m reef flat; flattened, broad bladed & soft
CDDC-2008 Alga Chlorophyta Neomeris green Common at 0-1m reef flat; stalked
CDDC-2009 Cnidaria Alcyonacea light brown Rare at 25m reef slope; wirey in one plane
CDDC-2010 Alga Chlorophyta Udotea green/grey Rare at 10-15m reef flat; flattened, broad bladed & med hard
CDDC-2011 Alga Chlorophyta Valonia green Common at 33m reef slope; soft; in patchy colonies; 2-25% epibiont
CDDC-2012 Alga Chlorophyta Caulerpa green Abundant at 15m reef slope; w. balls on both sides
CDDC-2013 Alga Rhodophyta Euptilota purple Common at 20m reef slope; feathery w. hair like projections; soft
CDDC-2014 Alga Rhodophyta Peyssonnelia orange/purple/red Common at 10-20m reef slope; flattened broad bladed & hard; encrusting
CDDC-2015 Alga Rhodophyta Peyssonnelia maroon Common at 10-20m reef slope; flattened, decumbent & fan-shaped; broad bladed & hard; encrusting
CDDC-2016 Alga Rhodophyta Portieria red/white Rare at 10-15m reef slope; soft
CDDC-2017 Alga Rhodophyta Neogoniolithon red/white Common at 3-20m reef slope; v. hard; 2-25% epibiont
CDDC-2018 Alga Chlorophyta Avrainvillea green Common at 30-43m reef slope; flattened, fan-shaped & broad bladed; soft; stalked; 2-25% epibiont
CDDC-2019 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Melithea red Rare at 8m in canyon on coral/rock; hard; colonial & fan-like; intact
CDDC-2020 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Rumphella grey; changes to brown outside water Common at 8m in channel/boulder on coral/rock; cl., brown secr.; pungent; hard; colonial & fan-like; intact
CDDC-2021 Sponge Thorectidae Fascaplysinopsis all brown; yellowish underside Rare? at 12m at underside on coral; pungent; hard & reticulate; solitary; plenty 5mm oscules
CDDC-2022 Sponge light green outside; light brown inside Rare at 10m at underside on coral; hard & rough outside, soft inside; solitary; few 5mm oscules
CDDC-2023 Sponge greenish yellow; light brownyellow inside & unders. Rare at 5m on boulder on coral; bit spongy & compress., rough sfce, soft bottom; solitary; plenty small oscules
CDDC-2024 Alga Chlorophyta Codium dark green Common at 5-10m at bottom reef on coral; soft; lettuce like; intact w. coralline red Algal symbiont
CDDC-2025 Sponge black; brown ins. & underside Rare at 10m bottom reef at underside on coral; cl. brown secr.; soft; solitary; few small (>1mm) osc.
CDDC-2026 Sponge Axinellidae red; orange ins. & underside Rare at 8m at underside on coral; bit pungent; soft & spongy; solitary; plenty osc. of various sizes
CDDC-2027 Sponge Spongiidae Coscinoderma dark grey outside; grey inside Common? at 5m on coral top reef in crevice!!; spongy & fibrous; solitary; few, but big (1cm) oscules
CDDC-2028 Sponge Hadromerida Cervicornia greyish green; yellow ins. & unders. . Abundant at 0m on coral & Algae top reef; pungent odor; smooth & soft; bit encrusting; plenty 1-3mm osc.
CDDC-2029 Sponge Hadromerida light to dark greyish brown; yellowish grey to grey inside Abundant at 0m on coral & sand top reef; a bit pungent; porous, hard & soft; diff. growth forms w. finger projections, burrowing?; 3-10mm osc.
CDDC-2030 Sponge all dirty purple Abundant at 0m on coral top reef; smooth & hard; solitary blobs of various sizes; plenty 1-2mm osc.
CDDC-2031 Sponge all brownish black Abundant at 0m on coral & Algae top reef; spongy & v. soft; creeping & branching; plenty 0.5-2mm osc.
CDDC-2032 Alga Phaeophyta Sargassum brownish-green Abundant at 0m on coral & sand top reef; soft w. air sacks; branching
CDDC-2033 Alga Chlorophyta Dictyosphaeria green Common at 0m on coral top reef; clear secretion; soft w. air sacks;
CDDC-2034 Sponge Haplosclerida Callyspongia? all purple; change to greyish purple outside water . Abundant at 0m on coral & Halimeda Algae top reef; a bit pungent; spongy, soft & compress.; branching, creeping ropes; many 1-3mm osc.
CDDC-2035 Sponge Ancorinidae 2 distinct layers; white outside, brownyellow ins. Abundant at 0m under rock at rocky shore; clear secr.; abrasive odor; hard; bulbous & spherical; many 1mm osc
CDDC-2036 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Dendronephthya purple; change to orange out of water Common at 10m at wall on rock; mucusy cl orange; itchy; soft & fleshy; branching; shrunken
CDDC-2037 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Nephthya pink/yellow; change maroon out of water Common at 10m at wall on rock; pungent; rough & fleshy; branching
CDDC-2038 Sponge light purple; underside white; change to brown Common at 10m at wall on coral; rough porous & spongy; thin sheet; plenty 2-5mm oscules
CDDC-2039 Sponge yellow-brown; change to black outside Abundant at 14m on wall on rock; clear green/brown secr.; pungent; spongy, porous, rough & fleshy; thick sheet; 1-10mm osc.
CDDC-2040 Ascidian brown; black inside Common? at 8-12m on coral at wall; thin sheet; smooth & leathery; intact
CDDC-2041 Sponge brown; changes to darkbrown outs. Water Abundant at 8m at wall on rock; pungent; spongy, soft & rough; thick sheet; osc not visible
CDDC-2042 Sponge all orange Common at 7m at wall on coral; clear orange secr.; fragile & spongy; oscules not visible?
CDDC-2043 Sponge Calcarea white/grey Common at 15m under overhang; "death star"; hard & spiculose; few round 1-2mm oscules
CDDC-2044 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Dendronephthya orange/yellow Common at 15m at wall on coral; pungent, fleshy; branching; shrunken
CDDC-2045 Sponge Haplosclerida Haliclona? green Common at 12m bottom reef; green cl secr. when squeezed; spongy; branching; 1-3mm round osc.
CDDC-2046 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Dendronephthya red/orange Common at 12m bottom reef; rough & fibrous; colonial & branching; shrunken
CDDC-2047 Cnidaria Ceriantpatharia Antipathes greenish brown; changes to black Abundant at 8m at wall on rock under overhang; Hard; branching on stalk
CDDC-2048 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sarcophyton light green; brown inside; change to brown Common at 8m at bottom on rock; gelatinous brown secr.; aromatic; rough & fleshy; solitary; shrunken
CDDC-2049 Sponge Verongida Axynissa pinkish brown; yellow inside; changed to bluish black outside Rare? at 8m at wall on coral; chunky & fleshy; solitary; osc. closed
CDDC-2050 Cnidaria Hydroid mixture of green & yellow specimens Abundant at 5-15m on coral/rock various habitats; itchy; fine & fragile; colonial, fan-like; mostly symbiotic
CDDC-2051 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Xenia white/blue Abundant at 5m at wall on rock/sand; gelatinous brown secr.; pungent; soft & fleshy; colonial
CDDC-2052 Sponge Axinellidae Axinella? all orange Abundant at 8m at wall on rock; orange mucus; pungent; spongy, rough & fleshy; finger projections; 1-5mm osc
CDDC-2053 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Rumphella brown Common at 10m bottom reef on rock; rough & hard; fan-like
CDDC-2054 Sponge Verongida Pseudoceratina purplish black Common at 7-15m; purplish cl secr.; hard; thick sheet; few 1-5mm osc.
CDDC-2055 Sponge Hadromerida Spheciospongia yellow-brown Common at 15m in sand bottom reef; yellow cl. Secr.; smooth, hard & leathery; solitary
CDDC-2056 Sponge darkbrown; change to blackish brown . Rare? at 10m bottom reef on rock; brownish cl secr. when squeezed; spongy & rough; finger projections; plenty 2-10mm oscules
CDDC-2057 Sponge orange Common at 8m on coral bottom reef; orange secr. when squeezed; pungent; spongy; fan-like on stalk; 1-10mm osc
CDDC-2058 Sponge Haplosclerida Cribrochalina dark brown; pink inside & underside Common at 8-16m on coral bottom reef; cl pink secr.; spongy & rough; massive; Eleph ear; plenty 1-3mm oscules
CDDC-2059 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Rumphella lightbrown; brown out of water Common at 15m on coral at wall; pungent; hard; fan-like
CDDC-2060 Cnidaria Zoanthid Palythoa light/dark brown Common at 3-10m on rock at wall; sticky cl mucus; pungent; hard & rough; encrusting thick sheet
CDDC-2061 Alga Chlorophyta Valonia green Common at 10m in sand; cl green secr. when squeezed; soft & fleshy; bulbous
CDDC-2062 Sponge blue; lightbrown inside Rare at 10m on rock at underside; spongy, rough & porous; massive; plenty 5-10mm osc.
CDDC-2063 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Dendronephthya maroon Common at 10m on rock bottom reef;light brown secr.; spiculose; rough & fleshy; branching; shrunken
CDDC-2064 Sponge yellowish brown; change to blackish brown outside Common at 10m on coral bottom reef; pungent; soft & smooth; encrusting; oscules 20mm
CDDC-2065 Ascidian darkbrown Rare at 8m on rock at wall; rough & fleshy; thin sheet
CDDC-2066 Cnidaria Alcyonacea red Common at 15m on coral at wall; pungent; hard & rough; branching on stalk
CDDC-2067 Cnidaria Alcyonacea maroon; change to black outside Common at 15m on coral at wall; pungent; hard & rough; branching on stalk
CDDC-2068 Cnidaria Alcyonacea orange Common at 10m on coral at wall; pungent; hard & rough; branching on stalk
CDDC-2069 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Nephthya white inside; pink outside Common at 15m on coral bottom reef; brown secr when squeezed; pungent; rough & fleshy; broccoli shape
CDDC-2070 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Klyxum greyish white Common at 15m on rock bottom reef; orangybrown gelatinous secr; pungent; soft & smooth; colonial?; collapsed
CDDC-2071 Sponge Dictyoceratida Dysidea blue/greyish-pale-blue Rare at 15m on coral bottom reef; bluegreen secr.; pungent; spongy; finger projections; few 1-2mm osc.
CDDC-2072 Sponge white; lightbrown inside Common at 10-15m on rock bottom reef; lightbrown secr. when squeezed; spongy; branching; 20mm osc.
CDDC-2073 Cnidaria Crinoid yellow/black Abundant at 15m on coral bottom reef; pungent; hard & fragile; fan-like
CDDC-2074 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Dendronephthya maroon/orange Abundant at 15m on coral bottom reef; pungent; fleshy & rough; branching
CDDC-2075 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Dendronephthya ornge/white Common at 15m on coral at wall; pungent; fleshy & rough; prickly
CDDC-2076 Sponge maroon-brown; brown underside Common at 5-15m on coral at wall; orange secr.; leathery & rough; leafy, thin sheet; plenty 1mm round osc.
CDDC-2077 Ascidian Didemnidae Didemnum green/white Abundant at 5-15m on coral at wall; typical, colonial appearance
CDDC-2078 Alga Rhodophyta Amphiroa? red; change to orange outs. water Rare at 3-5m on rock in sand; brittle & fragile; branching & fan-like
CDDC-2079 Sponge green yellow; change to black outside water Common at 12m on rock at bottom reef; black secr.; aromatic odor; rough, spongy & fleshy; finger projections
CDDC-2080 Ascidian Clavelinidae Clavelina? translucent blue Voucher only! Tbe. Rare at 5-15m on coral bottom reef; soft; colonial
CDDC-2081 Sponge white; change to light pink outside water Common at 10-20m on coral, bottom reef; pungent; spongy, porous & rough; solitary; osc. N.v.
CDDC-2082 Cnidaria Hexacorallia Tubastrea yellow; change to brown outs. water Voucher only! Tbe. Rare at 10m on coral bottom reef; v. hard; branching
CDDC-2083 Ascidian Didemnidae white/pink Abundant at 5m on coral bottom reef; soft & leathery; colonial
CDDC-2084 Bryozoan Cheilostomatida Reteporella orange Abundant at 10m on coral bottom reef; aromatic; brittle & crunchy; colonial
CDDC-2085 Cnidaria Hexacorallia Physogyra? white/brown Abundant at 10m on rock on wall; brittle & v. hard; colonial & massive
CDDC-2086 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia brownish-white; brownish out of water Abundant at 12m on coral/rock bottom reef; pungent; hard & fleshy; colonial w. finger projections
CDDC-2087 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sarcophyton brown Common at 11m on coral, bottom reef; soft, fleshy & rough; colonial
CDDC-2088 Sponge all orange Common at 5m on rock, bottom reef; orange-brown secr. when squeezed; spongy, soft & porous; finger projections; 2-5mm round oscules
CDDC-2089 Cnidaria Hexacorallia Distichipora blue; change to purple outside water Abundant at 5-15m on rock at wall; hard; growing in one plane
CDDC-2090 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sarcophyton brown Common at 15m on coral, bottom reef; soft, fleshy & rough; colonial
CDDC-2091 Sponge all black Rare at 8-12m on coral bottom reef; black secr.; smooth & spongy; thick sheet w. 5-10mm round oscules
CDDC-2092 Sponge yellow Common at 10m on rock, bottom reef; yellow secr.; soft, fleshy & spongy; massive; osc not vis
CDDC-2093 Ascidian Didemnidae white/pink Voucher only!! Abundant at 5m on coral bottom reef; soft & leathery; colonial; recollect 476?
CDDC-2094 Alga Rhodophyta red Common at 5-8m on rock at wall; leaf like growth
CDDC-2095 Sponge Halichondrida Acanthella all orange Common at 8-10m on coral, bottom reef; orange secr.; porous & spongy; massive, solitary; plenty osc 1-2cm
CDDC-2096 Sponge yellow/brown Common at 10m on coral, bottom reef; pungent; spongy; encrusting; recollect 457?
CDDC-2097 Sponge Thorectidae Fascaplysinopsis all darkbrown Common? at 20m on ? rock at wall; cl. secr. when sqeezed; pungent; spongy, conulose; plenty 3-10mm osc
CDDC-2098 Ascidian Stolidobranchia Polyandrocarpa brown; yellow inside Common at 20m on rock at wall; smooth & spongy; on stalk; plenty siphons; Hydroid? symbiont
CDDC-2099 Sponge Calcarea Leucetta all yellow the typical round calcareous Sponge
CDDC-2100 Sponge purplish brown Rare at 20m on rock at wall/overhang; spongy, soft, porous & v. conulose; encrust. thick sheet; plenty 5mm osc
CDDC-2101 Sponge Dictyoceratida Dysidea all lightbrown Common at 20m on coral/rock at wall; milky pink secr.; smooth & soft; small stalk; plenty v. small oscules
CDDC-2102 Alga Rhodophtya Peyssonnelia dark red Abundant at 9m on coral at wall; hard, fragile & brittle; encrusting thin sheet
CDDC-2103 Sponge Poecilosclerida Biemna brown the typical slimey, itchy Sponge
CDDC-2104 Sponge Verongida Pseudoceratina light brown; yellow inside; purple outside water Common at 20m on rock on bummies; pungent; purple-black secr.; spongy, fleshy & knobby; osc. N.v
CDDC-2105 Cnidaria Alcyonacea yellow v.o.; tbe Rare at 20m on rock on bummies; brittle; branching & fan-like
CDDC-2106 Sponge Verongida Pseudoceratina brown v.o.; = 496?
CDDC-2107 Cnidaria Alcyonacea yellow v.o.; tbe Rare at 20m on rock on bummies; thread like; branching fan
CDDC-2108 Sponge brownish-white v.o.; tbe Rare at 20m on rock on bummies under overhang; spongy, soft & conulose; thick encrust. sheet; plenty 1-2mm oscules
CDDC-2109 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia lightbrown Rare at 20m on rock on bummies; rough & spikey; branching & tree-like
CDDC-2110 Cnidaria Nephtheidae purplish Rare at 15m on coral/rock on bummies; pungent; knobby, rough & spikey; colonial & branching
CDDC-2111 Sponge Axinellidae all reddish orange Rare at 15m on rock on bummies; spongy & soft; solitary on stalk; some 5mm oscules
CDDC-2112 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Sinularia med brown; darker outside water Common at 15m on ? on bummies; pungent; hard; bush-like on stalk;
CDDC-2113 Alga Phaeophyta brown v.o.; Common at 15m on ? on wall; small balls
CDDC-2114 Cnidaria Alcyonacea Dendronephthya maroonish black v.o.; tbe Common at 15m on coral on wall outer reef; rough; colonial
CDDC-2115 Sponge Calcarea Leucetta? greyish white Common at 15m on rock under overhang on wall; pungent; hard & porous; solitary; plenty osc var. sizes
CDDC-2116 Cnidaria Ellisellidae red Common at 15m on ? on wall; hard; colonial whip
CDDC-2117 Cnidaria Alcyonacea brown Rare at 10m on ? on wall; hard; fan-like & branching
CDDC-2118 Sponge Haplosclerida? cream Common? at 15m on ? on wall; aromatic; conulose w. spikes; solitary; some 5mm oscules